Final day in Elantra

Andromeda and Daedalus after finishing their pancakes spent the rest of the morning chatting about the different places that they could go. In the end they decided that at the end of the day they would leave the kingdom of Elantra and go to another outlining kingdom to experience their specialties. After they finished making their plan Daedalus and Andromeda split up to do what they wanted around the kingdom for the day.

Daedalus started off the afternoon by going to Darl's shop to both say goodbye and maybe get some blueprints for the more unique stuff that he had not made yet. As he arrived at the shop Daedalus saw that the employee from the other day was just leaving.

Daedalus walked up to the young employee and said "Good morning John, sorry about last night."

John looked up surprised and said "Oh prince Daedalus, no worries about last night it was fun!"

Daedalus smiled and said "Okay if you say so. Are you not working today?"

John responded saying "No sir, today is my day off!"

Daedalus nodded and said "Okay then, I won't stay in your way any longer then!"

With that Daedalus walked into the back of the shop. Daedalus had been given permission by Darl to be able to go in to the back if he wanted. As he walked in to the back Daedalus saw darl laying down on a couch, the couch that Daedalus had made the previous day!

Daedalus smirked realising that Darl was asleep, he hadn't yet forgotten that Darl had tricked him last night. Daedalus slowly walked forward until he was right beside darl before yelling "Darl!"

Darl of course freaked out and jumped up with his eyes wide open. Daedalus began laughing hysterically at how high Darl had jumped. When Darl saw Daedalus laughing his guts out he sighed and said "Seriously Daedalus you had to scare this old dwarf?"

Daedalus quickly regained his composure and said "Of course I had to, you tricked me last night."

Darl could only sigh in defeat before asking "So why are you in here today Daedalus?"

Daedalus nodded and said "I was wondering if I could have a few copies of the more complex blueprints and to say good bye as Andromeda and I will be leaving at the end of the day or early tomorrow!"

Darl sighed and said "I expected you to be leaving soon, tell your parents I said hi. And yes you can have a copy of any and all blueprints I own!"

Daedalus smiled and said "Thanks Darl!"

With that Daedalus was lead into a room further into the back that contained all of the blueprints. Daedalus spent the next few hours slowly copying each and every blueprint, while examining them, before putting them back where they where before hand.

As he finished copying all of the blueprints Daedalus realised that it was dark outside now and walked over to Darl to say his good byes and leave.