Neroline City

Along the way, to the capital, anyone that they came across would give a large amount of space for the group to go past. After a week or so of the same boring traveling the group arrived at the front gates of the capital city of Neroline. Daedalus and Andromeda explained that they would check out the city before going to see the king later and left to go in like everyone else.

As they entered the line at the back Andromeda began asking Daedalus what they should do first when they go in. Daedalus replied "We should visit one of the better known restaurants and see just how good the food is."

Andromeda nodded agreeing before talking with him about the effects chemistry might have on cooking. Daedalus definitely found it interesting however when they reached the halfway point of the line some guy came up and stood in front of them. Daedalus was annoyed and said "Back of the line, no cutting."

The man sneered and pulled out a adventurer rank card said "Oh and what are you going to do to a B rank adventurer huh!?"

Daedalus got even more annoyed and didn't reply, instead taking out an A Rank adventurer card. The man immediately shut up and ran to the back of the line while mumbling something like "What the fuck, why is my luck so bad?"

Daedalus smirked and brushed it off thinking 'Serves you right dick!'. Andromeda was standing there looking at the card before saying "Your A Rank!?"

Daedalus lifted a brow before saying "Yeah, so?"

Andromeda face palmed before saying "We could probably show that let alone are statuses to get through immediately."

What Andromeda said made Daedalus stiffen up before saying "I knew that I just didn't want to skip the line. It feels rude when you skip a line."

Andromeda looked at Daedalus with a look that practically shouted 'Sure!' causing Daedalus to look away. Andromeda then proceeded to tease Daedalus until they where at the front of the line.

When they reached the front a gate guard said "Do you have a pass? If not you need to hand over five silver."

Daedalus nodded and handed the guard ten silver saying "And the extra is for her."

The guard nodded and let them past before going on to the next person.

Daedalus and Andromeda then walked around for a few hours asking people about different restaurants and other interesting places. At some point along the way a nice old lady gave them a map of Neroline.

In the end Daedalus and Andromeda went to about three smaller stalls with unique foods they had never had before, like kebabs, pizza and curry. The kebabs where Daedalus' favourite as the spices with the crunchiness made it practically melt in his mouth. Andromeda like the Pizza because of the stringy cheese that went well with the sauce. Neither of them really liked the curry as the person seemed to have literally put a gallon of spicy sauce on a small cup of rice which made it impossible to eat.

The final place they decided to go before meeting with the king was the highly reputable Star pavillion, which as anyone they met said had godly tasting food.