
The man paled significantly before feinting shortly after. Gram looked at the man in disappointment before saying "Daedalus could you hand him over to me? He will be locked up don't worry, I just want to ask him a few other questions."

Daedalus nodded before saying "Okay however I think you should know this, he kidnapped this man's family..."

Daedalus pointed at the man who was sent to attack them before continuing "We will be going to his house to rescue them now."

Gram nodded and said "Okay, while you do that could you look for anything else that is illegal in there?"

Daedalus nodded before signaling all everyone to follow him. Andromeda walked up and said "It's good you can handle these things, I've never been good at stuff like that."

Daedalus smiled and said "We should save that man's family now, we should also search his house though."

After nodding Andromeda followed Daedalus to Laren's estate. Walking in they where immediately greeted by a butler saying "I am sorry sir and madam however I do not believe that master Laren has returned. We have been instructed to make sure no one enters if he is not here."

Daedalus shook his head and said "Your master Laren will not be returning, he has been arrested for the attempted assassination of myself crown prince Daedalus and the crown princess Andromeda!"

The butler heard this and began shaking uncontrollably before finally he looked up and said with a smile on his face "Thank you, thank you, I can finally return to my family!"

Daedalus nodded and said "You may leave, however would it be alright if you guide us around while we search the estate?"

The butler nodded and said "Of course!"


Daedalus was then guided around the estate. As he went around the estate Daedalus became increasingly disgusted with Laren. Daedalus saw hundreds of young girls locked in a single cell in the basement and also a clearly used torture room.

By the end of it all Daedalus felt like throwing up, not that he had not already. Daedalus spent the next few days freeing all of the people who had been captured by Laren as well as burnt down his entire estate.

Laren had been there when his estate was burned as he had been place Infront of it attached to a metal pole. The pole had been place directly next to the estate, so when the fire was started Laren was burned horrifically before being left there to die.


The previous assassin had been pardoned of his attempted crime as he never wanted to commit it in the first place. He later went back to his family with compensation and built a farm in the Craftsman empire.

Laren and his son where later executed after a long list of crimes was read in front of the entire alchemist empire, by having their heads cut off. There was a lot of cheering to say the least.

After all of the chaos Daedalus and Andromeda decided to buy a small cabin in a small town outside of the capital.