The Storm-Wind Sect

After a second of waiting the formation began to activate. The formation began gathering the mana from the surroundings and condensing it into a dense liquid that flowed through the formation. Suddenly a bright light erupted from the center of the formation and swallowed Daedalus and Rudra.


A few million miles away at the bottom of a mountain range that reached towards the heavens. A bright light erupted from a formation that was floating in the air a few metres above the ground. A few strong looking people flew over to the floating formation before pulling out weapons and pointing them at the bright light.

Before long the voice of Rudra could be heard saying "Put down your weapons, your sect master is here!"

The people immediately bowed and said "We are sorry sect master! We didn't know it was you."

Rudra waved his hand a few times while calmly stating "No worries. I know that it is your responsibility to protect our teleportation formation. Now please stand and get back to your duties."

The group of teleportation formation guards immediately stood up, however just before they could get into formation they noticed just beside the sect master was Daedalus. One of the guards said in a very polite tone "And who would this be?"

Rudra nodded and said "This is Daedalus my personal student."

The guards immediately became shocked as this was the first student their sect master had ever taken. After quickly getting out of the shock all of the guards immediately bowed and said "Welcome to the sect Junior Daedalus!"

Daedalus, after seeing that he couldn't sense their cultivations, replied "Thank you seniors."

After greeting his seniors Daedalus began looking around at the area he was in. Their was a large field of grass behind him with a few massive trees around however in front of him were hills as tall as the sky itself. Daedalus was dumbfounded by this view but looked around a bit more. Most of the mountains where covered in vibrant green grasses and trees that had beautiful variations of dark greens and orangey brown leaves.

After looking around for a bit Daedalus noticed that Rudra had been clearly waiting for him to finish looking around. Embarrassed Daedalus walked over to Rudra and said "So what next?"

Rudra chuckled and said "Next, we fly to the top of the tallest peak!"

Daedalus was slightly worried as he knew that the higher he went the harder to stabilise while flying it would be. With the knowledge that he couldn't see the top of even one mountain Daedalus asked "Umm, how high it the tallest peak?"

Rudra's smile turned into a semi malicious grin and he said "Twice the height of the second tallest!"

Daedalus immediately dilated and said "How many years do I have for getting to the top?"

Rudra began laughing maniacally and replied "Three months!"

Daedalus started to get worried and said with a soulless tone "Okay I'll try."

Rudra then continued by saying "Well, what are you waiting for? Get moving!"