
Daedalus was told about the sects duel arena and a few minutes later Daedalus was standing on the opposite side of the arena to the man called Randal. As Randal got on to the arena he immediately began to heavily taunt Daedalus by saying "When you lose I am gonna figure out where you come from and destroy the shit out of it!"

Daedalus became angry and his face turned cold, however Randal continued to taunt saying "What you scared? Hahaha, weakling!"

Daedalus just looked at the referee and said "Can we start?"

The referee nodded and said "When you both say ready, the match will start!"

Daedalus immediately spoke up saying "Ready."

Randal smirked and said "Ha, ready!"

The moment Randal said ready Daedalus appeared in front of him with Void Weaver unsheathed. Randal was shocked by Daedalus' speed but managed to launch a wind blade at Daedalus blocking his strike. When the wind blade came in contact with Void Weaver it was absorbed into the blade strengthening it.

Randal was shocked by the blade as he had expected for it to be cut in half by his wind blade. Daedalus saw the shock on his face and used it as a chance to lash out once more with Void Weaver. Randal saw the slash coming his way and managed to use a wind based movement technique to dodge the attack.

Daedalus continued his onslaught of slashes and strikes without stop until eventually Randal surrendered after almost losing an arm.


After a while Daedalus was back standing in the main hall and said "Now that that is over with why don't we continue? It is nice to be of your acquaintance, and I hope we get along well in the future!"

The rest of the sect's disciples all yelled at once "It's nice to meet you to!"

Rudra nodded and said "Okay that was all, you may all leave and return to your duties!"

Although a lot of grumbling all of the disciples immediately began leaving to get back to their duties be it cultivation, request or a job in the sect. As he saw this Daedalus asked Rudra "So when do we start the training?"

Rudra replied suddenly saying "Now!"

Before Daedalus could react he was well above the clouds free falling towards the mountain peak. Daedalus did not freak out as he knew how to fly however he quickly realised that there was something partially blocking his ability to mobilise his mana. Daedalus started freaking out a bit but he also realised that Rudra had done this to make him become more efficient while flying.

As he was nearing the mountain peak Daedalus barely managed to mobilise his mana to soften the impact. As he was about to hit the ground Daedalus pushed his mana even farther and pushed himself back up into the air. As he landed on the ground Daedalus began breathing heavily due to the exertion he was under.

Rudra then landed beside him and said "Well done Daedalus!"