A Few Days and Hunt

A few days later Daedalus could be seen sitting in the lotus position slowly gaining better and better control of his energies. Currently Daedalus was trying to better his understanding of his Qi as he realised that it was in fact the lesser blocked of the three energy sources. The reason behind that would be that it is the energy of his own body so without it he would be a helpless and tasty snack for predators. The seal placed on his Qi was made to limit the amount he could use based off of control not on the source itself as other wise he would be far to weak.

At this time Daedalus had managed to gain about ten percent control of his Qi so he could to a degree keep himself alive and hunt. A few days earlier he had tried hunting however he quickly realised that everything one kilometre from the clearing was a lot stronger than he was at that time. With enough strength to hunt Daedalus decided that he would go into the outskirts and try to find a weaker animal for a few days of food.

A few minutes of running later and Daedalus was right at the outskirts of the safe zone. Unsheathing Icarus Daedalus walked out into the forest and began to slowly and steadily explore around the perimeter of the safe zone.

Before long he had managed to explore a rather large radius around his safe zone. Along the way he had spotted a few weaker animals that only had a cultivation in body refining. With his targets found Daedalus decided that over the next while he would occasionally go for quick hunts, but only ever for hunting and not training.

While he slowly made his way over Daedalus thought about his plans for the time he was there. He was planning a routine of using half the day for gaining better control and the other half for training with Icarus. That would be all he did every day except on days where he needed to hunt for more food like today or if he decided to make a house.

Daedalus had arrived above a rather large deer while hiding in a tree. This was his target for his next few days meals. After steadying himself above the grazing deer Daedalus put his focus to the maximum. Quickly diving down at the deer Daedalus swung Icarus in a clean and accurate arc beheading the deer.

With the kill made Daedalus grabbed the carcass and put it on his shoulders to carry it back quickly. Luckily the deer had decided to graze near the safe zone so it only took around ten minutes to get back to the clearing.

Daedalus quickly and efficiently cleaned the carcass and put everything aside as due to his knowledge of so many crafts he knew every part could be used. With the meat prepared Daedalus quickly made a smoking rack and a fire. The smoking rack was made by using a teepee like construct out of sticks and wrapping the well cleaned deer skin around it to keep in the smoke and keep the bugs out. The fire was even simpler as it only required him to rub the sticks together fast enough.

With that ready Daedalus put all of the meat on the rack and added some spices for flavour. The smell was amazing and Daedalus enjoyed it while getting back to his training.