House (PT:2)

With having completed the stairs Daedalus decided to take a small break from working on his tree house to work some more on his mana control.

As Daedalus had been focusing more on his Qi lately he had let his mana control get rather rusty in comparison. After sitting down by the lake on the same stone as before, Daedalus began slowly but surely gaining a better control. As he was already at a higher control with his Qi Daedalus had a lot easier of a time to better his mana control and quickly reached the same equivalent of mana control as half of his Qi control. This meant that Daedalus could now use a plethora of simple spells due to the unlocked mana.

With his now unlocked portion of mana Daedalus felt quite happy and decided to go to sleep in preparation of working on the main house part of the tree house.


The next morning Daedalus woke up early and did his usual exercises, before looking at his designs for the day. After spending a few short minutes analysing the design Daedalus walked over to the wood pile and began moving it slightly closer to the large lake.

Daedalus then proceeded to relax and carve at the wood for a few hours making the shingles for the roof and each wall had beautiful carvings of the wilderness around him. It was a calm day of delicate carving while watching the fish and small animals.

That was until Daedalus got a piece of paper teleported to him that said "In one week the borders of your safe zone will be dissipated to around the lake and your tree house, good luck."

Daedalus was not very surprised as he had long expected for this to happen. Luckily he had already finished with making the parts of his tree house as the mood had collapsed somewhat.

Getting up Daedalus carried all of his house's parts to the bottom steps of his stairs up. After doing that for a while Daedalus grabbed some of the supports he had made for the floor of the tree house and began working on the final parts of the tree house.

After the supports where up it was a simple matter of laying the planks of wood down in a gridded pattern for the floor, this only took a hour or two so Daedalus began working on the walls. The walls where rather simple as the tree house was made in a pentagonal shape. With the walls simplicity Daedalus only used around forty five minutes and had around five hours left of the day.

The last five hours was spent on making the roof and enchanting everything to the point that it was basically a fortress. The formations Daedalus set at the base of the tree where all built to enhance the natural safe zone that would soon be within the new formations.

With every thing for the day completed Daedalus just relaxed and carved out an intricate staff while looking over the lake from his window.