Thalia's Father

Though the mountain range was not too far, it still took Daedalus and Thalia about an hour to fly all the way there. As they arrived at the base of the mountain Daedalus asked Thalia to set him down so that they could walk up.

As they landed Daedalus started to get excited at the very thought of meeting a fully grown wyvern. Because of his excitement however Daedalus did not realise that he was not holding back his bloodline in the slightest bit. This caused him to become a beacon of sorts to all beings with even a fragment of dragon bloodline.

While they where walking up the mountain towards the peak, where Thalia said her family lives, Daedalus heard a loud thundering roar. Daedalus immediately became focused, however that also reminded him of his bloodline suppression. Daedalus then looked back and saw Thalia breathing heavily with sweat all over her face.

Daedalus ran over and said "Sorry I got excited when I thought about meeting a fully grown wyvern and it caused me to forget about the bloodline suppression. Are you okay?"

Thalia smile and said "Though it was difficult I think that since the first time we met you have been letting your bloodline aura leak slightly. It gave me a better resistance, so I think it is fine."

Daedalus sighed in relief and said "Well I will try and hold back my aura better next time."

Before Thalia could even nod, let alone reply, a loud booming came from behind Daedalus, as if something large had just crashed into the ground.

Daedalus gulped reflexively before turning around. As he turned around Daedalus could see an absolutely massive wyvern. The wyvern was clearly fully grown at a height of one hundred and twenty metres tall. It was a brown and red colour signifying that it was a earth and fire cultivating wyvern.

After analysing the wyvern in an instant Daedalus said "Hey Thalia is that a family member of yours?"

Thalia did not reply to Daedalus question but instead yelled "Daddy!"

Before jumping at the wyvern. The wyvern sighed in relief and said "My dear daughter where have you been, and why are you with a human?"

Thalia huffed in slight annoyance before replying "He easily defeated me in combat and asked me to work with him for until he leaves."

The adult wyvern nodded and said "Okay, then why are you here?"

Daedalus replied saying "Well I have never met a fully grown wyvern before, or one with two elements."

Thalia's father laughed at that and said "In that case come with us!"

Daedalus although confused nodded and hopped on Thalia's back. Her father raised his eyebrow before looking away and flying towards the tallest mountain peak. A short while later Daedalus had reached the peak with Thalia and her father.

Daedalus was slightly surprised to see the small houses however he realised that the wyvern's probably found it pretty convenient as they spend less resources on housing.