
Daedalus sighed for a second having realised how long it had been since he left through this place. Daedalus then put Thalia on his shoulders and used his flying technique to begin a long flight over to the alchemist empire.

As they got closer and closer Daedalus began to think more and more about Andromeda and how she has been in all this time.


After a long time flying Daedalus and Thalia finally arrived in front of the cities main gates. The people surrounding the gates where terrified at the fact that he was strong enough to fly. Being able to fly was a proof of strength in a way and was recognised as such by almost everywhere and everyone.

Daedalus then walked up to the gate only to be stopped by a trembling guard. The guard spoke out saying "I am sorry sir but could I know your identity? Otherwise I can't let you enter."

Daedalus was impressed by the mans bravery to stop him. Daedalus nodded and said "My name is Daedalus, and I am the crown prince of the craftsman empire."

The guard gulped but Daedalus continued "We need more guards like you, well done."

The guard looked dumbfounded but started smiling after a second, while letting Daedalus through. The guards around him looked jealous at the guard that received praise causing the guard to look proud.


A short while later Daedalus could be seen guiding Thalia passed a few guards in to the inner castle walls. The guards had easily recognised him so they did not give him any trouble, however they did take a few glances at Thalia. Daedalus was basically skipping towards the castles doors due to his excitement and did not notice the guards glancing at Thalia.

Not a second after they reached the door was it swung open from the inside and Andromeda came flying out at Daedalus. Daedalus immediately hugged her while whispering in her ears "I missed you so much!"

Andromeda said the same and they continued to hug for a while longer. After a while though Thalia finally got tired of the ridiculously long hug and coupled loudly. Andromeda was surprised and looked down at Thalia. She then said "Who is this cute little girl, Daedalus?"

Andromeda was glaring at him with accusatory look in her eyes which caused Daedalus to sigh and say "I'll explain later, it's complicated."

Andromeda though still glaring nodded and said "Come on in then! We need to catch up!"

Daedalus smiled at this and nodded in agreement. Thalia just looked at Daedalus before agreeing causing Andromeda to look at Daedalus sharply. Daedalus gulped a bit at her sharp look but walked in to the castle.


It was a few hours later after Daedalus and Thalia had arrived. At first Andromeda was suspicious however after Daedalus explained that her father had entrusted her to him. After a while Gram had joined them as well for dinner. In the end Daedalus told the two of them stories about his training in the Sword God Realm.