
On the journey not much really happened other than people being terrified by two dragons flying past them. There was however a few different events that were memorable. One was when a subjugation force was sent after them, but Daedalus just left after scaring them all with a roar. Another was when they flew past the border town between the two empires.

The lord of the city was definitely powerful as he had flown up to them, however Gram showed himself and said to "Go back down."

The city lord of course recognised him and sighed in relief that he would not have to fight two dragons. Other than those two events nothing interesting happened on the way to the capital of the craftsman empire.


When they arrived in front of the capital gates, unsurprisingly the royal guards marched out with Daedalus father at the fore front of the formation. Danel spoke loudly saying "Why are you dragons here? We have nothing to give you!"

In Daedalus' mind a devious grin formed and he took a step forward not saying anything, this caused the royal troops to ready their weapons. Then a grin formed on his face, not an evil looking grin, but a grin of laughter. Danel saw this difference and said "Wait, Daedalus!?"

Daedalus immediately broke down laughing as he transformed back and wiped a year from his eye. Danel was thoroughly annoyed but also happy that Daedalus was back. The royal troops behind him where utterly shocked at this revelation and just stood there confused.

Danel then said "Okay, okay you can all go back, false alarm!"

The royal troops where obviously quite relieved as they knew they stood no chance against even the weakest of true dragons.


A short time later Daedalus and Danel could be seen talking about Daedalus' time away.

Danel was shocked when he saw Andromeda as he of course knew who she was, and he only became more shocked when he found out that they where in love. Of course they never said it out loud but Danel could see it easily through their body language, also from when Daedalus transformed back and she fell off so she yelled at him before being placiated by a kiss.

Danel was feeling rather happy by his new found knowledge, however Danel realised that they where still out side the city so he said "Well why don't we go to the castle now?"

Daedalus nodded agreeing and said "Thalia could you transform now, also do you know where father in law is?"

Danel looked surprised at what Daedalus said so Andromeda said "Oh yeah, by the way my father decided that he was going to be called father in law."

Danel grinned like a silly man, eventually however Gram appeared and said "So they told you, eh."

Danel nodded and the two began laughing happily together. After taking a while to grab the two maniacally laughing fathers, they eventually made their way to the castle.