
Everyone was surprised and more so Gram. Gram had a dazed look in his eyes as he said quietly "My daughter is pregnant, I'm going to be a grandfather."

Selda and Danel where in a similar state as well except selda seemed to have realised before everyone else. Shaun then spoke and said "Am I going to be an uncle?"

Daedalus smiled and said "Yes Shaun, you are."

Shaun smiled gleefully at this and stared blankly at the ceiling.

Daedalus then turned to his mother and said "So when and how did you figure it out?"

Selda smiled and said "You are sitting much closer than even yesterday, she is sitting in a very protectively made chair and her belly is slightly bigger!"

Daedalus just smiled wryly as he realised what she said was right.

While Daedalus was talking to his family Andromeda listened while looking at her father, who was still in a daze but now had a slightly goofy grin. After a while Gram finally awoke from his daze and started laughing before yelling "I'm going to be a grandfather!"

Gram then looked over to Daedalus and said with a terrifying glint in his eyes "You better take good care of those two, okay!"

Daedalus of course did not back down and said "Of course."

And with that said and done the servants who seemed equally excited at the news brought in the best food that they could.


When breakfast was finally finished everyone was a little shocked by how much Andromeda had eaten. Andromeda herself was also surprised and had a deep red blush on her face. This caused Daedalus to chuckle before he said "Why don't we go to the living room?"

Andromeda nodded and Daedalus walked behind her. Pressing a button on the side of her seat everyone watched in awe as her chair transformed in to a super comfortable wheelchair.

After a short talk about the mechanism with his mother Daedalus began pushing Andromeda in to the living room. As they did Daedalus turned to Shaun and said "Hey, Shaun?"

Shaun looked over and said "Yeah?"

Daedalus continued "Why don't you go get Lightning, I know he has been staying with you a lot recently."

Shaun nodded and quickly ran off to his room.


As they arrived in the living room Shaun came in with Lightning, who looked a little excited. Everyone then sat around the room doing whatever they felt like doing. Daedalus however called Shaun and Lightning over to him and said "Shaun I want you and Lightning to be partners."

Shaun looked surprised and Lightning looked a little down trodden with a hint of expectation. Daedalus then continued and said "Shaun you and Lightning have basically been partners for years so I feel it is only right. And Lightning, I have not been a great partner, I left you alone rather than take you on my journeys, please accept my apologies."

Lightning nodded and a small blob of light left his forehead and the same from Daedalus. Daedalus then nodded to Shaun as he knew that Shaun had been looking in to these things recently. Shaun then did the same as what Daedalus did all those years ago making Shaun and Lightning partners.

With that completed Daedalus sighed as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He then looked at the two excited partners as they ran for the garden, and laughed.