
Thinking of the names for two children was surprisingly difficult. Andromeda was the first to come up with a name. So Andromeda and Daedalus decided to name their little girl Rose. Daedalus with his terrible naming sense only barely managed to come up with a good name for their son, Reginn. By the time the child's name was chosen the two babies had woken and gone to sleep multiple times. It was also very dark outside the castle.

With the names chosen Daedalus pulled a few smaller blankets out of his space ring. These blankets had numerous enchantments and formations built in to them, most of the enchantments where inevitably defense based however a few where for helping gather energies. After wrapping the two adorable little babies in a darker blue for Reginn and a light purple for Rose, Daedalus picked up all three of them and carried them in to his room.


As they arrived in the room Andromeda though sleepy was surprised to see two cots beside the bed. Daedalus chuckled at her suprise and said "I wanted to be prepared in case it was a boy or a girl so I made one for each gender, quite lucky if I say so myself."

Andromeda nodded saying "Yeah, but when did you have the time to put them in here?"

Daedalus raised an eyebrow and said with a teasing voice "Do you think I would leave you alone anytime soon? No it was my mother."

Andromeda nodded and said "You know I can walk right?"

Daedalus agreed and said "I know but I want to carry you."

Andromeda sighed in defeat and said "Okay, take me to the cots then I need to put the little ones in their beds."

Daedalus nodded and walked over still carrying his little family in his arms.

After putting the babies in their beds Andromeda spent the rest of her energy to sing a little lullaby. As she finished she fell asleep in Daedalus arms with a happy smile on her face. Daedalus could not help but smile as well as he quickly and gently put her in the bed.

After making sure she was comfortable Daedalus walked over to his two children and simply admired their cuteness. After a while Daedalus sighed and checked their talent for cultivation. To his shock the two twins elemental aptitude manifested in the form of a round galaxy filled orb.

Daedalus' shock only went higher as he checked their cultivations, they where both at the Mana Compacting stage or stage 4 and their bodies where at Marrow refinement or stage 5. The only thing that was not immensely terrifying to him as a father was their souls they where only at stage two. Although shocking Daedalus knew that they where still babies and so as they grew their cultivations would also grow.

It was very likely in fact that the two would reach his current stage in everything by the time they where twenty which is far earlier than him.