Beautiful City

The final half of the wall was finished a little bit quicker than the previous half. This was because Daedalus and Grite had experience from the other half, which increased their efficiency. This did not mean it was easier, in fact if not for his strength Daedalus' arm could have been crushed.


It had been a while since they finished the last wall. The reason they decided to wait more than a month was because they wanted the walls to be stronger and as they where automatically strengthened by the formations it was simply a matter of waiting. And so they waited.

Around two months after the walls were finished. Daedalus and Grite as well as Selda and other good builders all returned to the new city. The reason they where all there was because they would be building the new palace for the city.

Selda had, for the entire time they had been working on the city, been making the designs for how the palace should look as well as what materials should be used. Daedalus was very thankful for this as it had taken a lot of weight off of his shoulders.

The other builders that had been invited to help where family friends that had learned how to use Daedalus' machines. The reason they where even allowed to help was because they where well trusted by everyone in the family, even Rose and Reginn as they had visited a lot.


The first week was spent simply getting to know the layout of the city as well as the plans and blueprints for the palace. The design that was chosen for the palace was truly something. It looked divine to say the least.

As everyone else was getting to know the city's layout, Daedalus and Grite where starting on the palace grounds. This included adding hills and small lakes as well as trees. It also included the first floor of the castle, it would technically be underground as well.

This basement was going to be used as Daedalus crafting room, he even had a secondary door planned in case he built something too big. The crafting floor was also going to be used in helping build the rest of the palace as they could build smaller parts and send them out.


By the time Daedalus and Grite had finished building the basement and palace grounds it had been two entire weeks. After the first week the others had started working with him as well as starting work on the next few floors of the palace.

And so slowly over the time of seven months Daedalus and the others and slowly but steadily built the entire palace from deep underground to beyond the clouds. During those months occasionally some of them could not help with building and so they would go in to the different zones and build houses for the many families that would be moving in, in the future.

This had caused the city to really start filling out and look nicer. Every time they built a house they only ever used the same materials, this would make you think it would not be very varied, however as master builders it was perfectly varied.