
The next day Daedalus woke up early in the morning. Today he was going to be announcing the merging of the craftsman empire and the alchemist empire, as well as the new city. Because of this Daedalus decided to wear his very best suit.

As Daedalus stood up from the bed Andromeda stirred and mumbled "Why so early?"

Daedalus replied quietly "We are announcing the merging of our empires, I am going to get ready, it will be at noon."

Andromeda sighed and started to get up. While Andromeda was getting up Daedalus had walked over to the smaller beds to the side of their own. Daedalus sighed as he knew that Reginn and Rose would get angry at being woken up. Just as he was about to wake them up a devious smile came on to his face and he went right up to Reginn's face.


That was all Reginn heard before he attached himself to the wall with a frightened yelp. Due to this yelp Rose woke up and looked at Reginn angrily. Daedalus who had caused this, had already gone to the side of Andromeda, started laughing at his plan having succeeded.

Reginn looked rather terrified but he took a second to glare at Daedalus, this caused Rose to look in the same direction and see her dad. Rose's eye then twitched slightly and she turned back to her bed preparing to go back to bed.

Daedalus of course could not let that happen and he said "You all need to get ready, we are announcing the new city."

Rose looked sad at having to be awake but she still started getting ready, Reginn who was still feeling attacked just turned his head and harrumphed. Daedalus' eye twitched slightly but before he could say anything Andromeda spoke saying "Reginn. Why aren't you getting ready?"

Reginn gulped and immediately started getting ready. This caused Daedalus to feel defeated, however he was far more worried about the speech they would have to do.


Around thirty minutes later everyone was dressed and ready to go. So Daedalus and the others made their way to the dining hall for breakfast. As they walked in to the room Daedalus could see his mother and father as well as all of his grand parents chatting about the future. Danel saw them first and said "Took you long enough."

Daedalus sighed and said "Well I played a little prank on Reginn so he got angry."

As he finished explaining why they had taken so long everyone else laughed.

After talking about a few random subjects the servants brought out breakfast and placed all of the food at the table. The adults took their time eating and talked about various subjects, the children however barely chewed as they ate.

Almost an hour later everyone had finished eating and they where all sitting in the living room talking about the upcoming announcement. Daedalus himself was going to be the main person speaking about the new city while the two emporers would be talking about the merging of the two empires.