Execution (PT:1)

And he was right, he was very busy. In the first day Daedalus spent his time moving his, Andromeda's and the kids stuff to their new home. Daedalus had prepared separate rooms so that the twins would have their own rooms and Daedalus would have a room for just him and Andromeda. After the first day ended Daedalus and the others began living at the new palace.

On the second day Daedalus spent his time working on the list of people who could enter the inner city. Daedalus had long decided that he would not use the title of noble at all, this meant that he would have to find a different way of thanking those that are loyal. There where of course official positions like General or Strategist, they would have the same sort of position as nobles except they would be more strictly regulated.

On the third day Daedalus got a message from Gram saying that he had all of the evidence against the corrupt nobles. While that was happening he had also started helping people adjust to the new rule as well as opening the teleportation formation for public use. Daedalus was happy to have the evidence against them as it ment that he could execute them now, not that he could not before but he would have been considered a bad ruler and corrupt even at that.

So on the fourth day Daedalus made his way to the previous alchemist empire where he met up with Gram. Gram immediately told him that he had captured the corrupt or evil nobles and that it was now simply a matter of announcing the execution and the execution it self. And so that is what they did Daedalus and Gram announced the capture of the corrupt nobles and told the people still in the city that they where to be executed.

To their suprise the people below cheered happily. Daedalus was surprised by this and said "Gram how is it that they are cheering? shouldn't they wait to know why?"

Gram sighed and said "I was never really suited for being an emperor and it really showed, so the corrupt nobles took advantage and where slowly taking away my influence, then my daughter came to me and I started really pushing back. But their influence was still rather strong. Now with your backing their influence has dried up, but when they had it they tortured the populace when they knew I couldn't stop it."

Daedalus sighed sadly and said "At least they will pay for what they have done, I will do it personally."

Gram nodded at this as he turned and walked away. Daedalus looked over at his back and could see that he felt a great sorrow. Daedalus understood, the people heard about the execution and everyone, everyone cheered. It proved his incapability and the pain they had been put through because of it. And so Gram felt such sorrow and pain as he tried his hardest to imagine what they had all been through while he sat comfortably on his throne.