
After waiting for more than an hour Daedalus and Rose where starting to get tired of waiting. Luckily Richard, Reginn and Andromeda finally came out. Daedalus feeling exasperated asked Andromeda what had happened to take so long. Andromeda just sighed and said exasperatedly "Well Reginn and Richard decided to get into an argument which led to them having a fight. It is a good thing I was there otherwise I feel they might have made it a death match!"

Daedalus then turned to look at the two boys and realised that they where indeed still glaring at each other. Richard seemed to be slightly injured as well in comparison to Reginn who had only a slightly mangled shirt. After making sure they where both all right Daedalus then went from to rant at them for a good ten minutes on how stupid it was to get into a fight.

When the rant had ended however Reginn spoke saying "But he said he would take Rose away from us!"

This made Daedalus pause and Richard who noticed that explained to Daedalus quietly that he had said "I will take Rose as my wife and we will explore the world together alone."

He had not expected his new found friend to misinterpret the words as simply "Take Rose away from them."

And as Reginn is beyond attached to Rose, because they where twins he had basically taken it as a sign of war.


It had been a long battle for Daedalus, every single day Reginn and Richard would get into a fight and no matter what Daedalus said both Reginn and Richard would basically disregard as taking sides. Andromeda however just found it amusing and would always host the fight whilst make sure that they stopped before either was heavily injured. And so over time Reginn and Richard built up a rivalry where they would constantly test eachother's strength.

Rose on the other hand did not even seem to notice the constant fighting between the two and only realised that they had become very competitive with each other. Rose of course felt that it was very good as if it continued they might even get as strong as her and become her opponents. Rose had not slacked in the slightest as well, in fact she had even increased her training time as they where on a sort of training vacation.

With all of that going on several months had passed as they traveled from region to region visiting hundreds of empires and kingdoms. While they did so Daedalus also managed to make many of them loyal to the Grand Amatas Empire. So with time the Grand Amatas Empire was becoming stronger and stronger, he had even managed to get three different regions under his authority completely.


After another few months half a year had passed and Daedalus informed everyone that they would be returning to the Grand Amatas Empire. Rose was rather dissatisfied with his decision as she had been enjoying fighting stronger opponents.