Winter Holiday (PT:2)

As everyone had now returned with their presents Daedalus announced "Well let's start opening them! Andromeda you first."

Andromeda smiled at this and began to slowly go through each of the gifts she had gotten. From Rose, Andromeda got a beautiful white, purple and violet sundress. From Reginn she got a set of potions each with a different effect and from Richard she got a book with stories from his previous lives.

Eventually Andromeda got through all her other gifts and reached Daedalus' gift to her. It wasn't much just a book and a few weird tools. Daedalus had gotten Richard to help him make this as, as it turns out chemistry and biology where a thing in his previous life. So Daedalus had him write down what he knew into a book, and the tools where all necessary for chemistry and biology.

As Andromeda finished opening her presents she stood up and thanked everyone with a blissfull smile on her face. She was truly happy with each gift she received. After thanking them for the presents Andromeda looked at Daedalus and smiled before saying "Daedalus why don't you go next?"

Daedalus could only nod at this and began to open his presents. Starting off Daedalus reached for a gift he presumed was from Richard. It seemed that Richard had decided to give everyone books.

So Daedalus quickly unwrapped the present revealing a surprisingly thick book. Daedalus took a quick glance at Richard who explained simply "It is a book on mythology."

Daedalus then put it away and moved onto the next present. Picking one up Daedalus saw rose start smiling and new it was from her. With a quick motion Daedalus had unwrapped the present revealing, a small belt. Daedalus quickly realised it was too small and could only sigh in his mind before moving onto the next present.

It was Reginn's and he had a look of pride and mild arrogance on his face making Daedalus think 'Better teach him not to have such an attitude.' As if he heard the threat in Daedalus' thoughts he immediately started shivering. Daedalus however didn't pay any mind to that and opened the present. It was a pair of gloves, Daedalus quickly looked at his hands and noticed that his hands where rather dirty.

Quickly dismissing his thoughts Daedalus moved onto the last present, the present from Andromeda. It was bigger than the others, although not by much, so Daedalus to a few seconds longer to unwrap it. Eventually it was out in the open in front of everyone, leaving them all dumbfounded.

It was a cat, but not any cat, it was a pitch black kitten and it had small amounts of smoke rolling around its paws. The cat looked at each of them arrogantly before putting its head slightly higher and squeaking cutely. Rose who heard it squeak almost fainted before scooping up the kitten and starting to play with it.

Daedalus could only sigh as it seemed he wouldn't be playing with the kitten anytime soon.