The Conqueror

It had been a month since Daedalus, Danforth and Rudra had returned from their training in the woods. Ever since they returned Daedalus had spent all of his time either enjoying the company of his family or staying in the library for days on end.

If anyone where to ask what he was doing he would simply say "I am preparing for probably the hardest thing in my life." Then he would go back to doing whatever he was doing. Daedalus knew that he would likely be gone for a few years at the least, this meant he wouldn't be able to see his family for a long time.

In order to combat that issue Daedalus was trying to see if he could create a communication array that would reach that far of a distance. The communication array he was attempting to make would allow them to see and talk to eachother in real time, so it was incredibly complicated and difficult to make.

Other than working on that Daedalus also continued his study of the elements as he knew it would allow his strength to soar. He needed to be better prepared before they left and he didn't feel happy enough with his current understanding of the elements.


Within the halls of the palace Daedalus could be seen pacing back and forth clearly thinking deeply about something. Eventually he stopped pacing and sighed before saying quietly to himself "I guess before I go I should make sure that the planet is safe." No-one not even Andromeda could have expected what happened after that day.

Daedalus for that entire day attempted to combine his two bloodline transformations. And he succeeded. But rather than simply becoming an ungodly strong dragon, his dragon form shrunk down and became a humanoid dragon.

After Daedalus transformed he looked at his reflexion and grinned. His arms where covered in shining black scales and his fingers had been turned into claws. His legs where similar to his arms although his toe claws weren't as long as his hand claws. His entire body looked to be covered in an armour of scales intricately intertwined in a way that nothing could get through. But his face seemed to be the most terrifying, his teeth had sharpened and his eyes had taken on a draconic look with a blood red colouring. Finally his wings where enormous and covered in thinner scales with a bat wing shape although far larger.


Then he took the heads of every Emperor or Empress that tried to resist him. Within a month Daedalus had managed to take control of every empire and kingdom on the planet. The sects and clans tried to resist as well as they didn't want the world to be unified. But Daedalus simply erased their leaders and forced them to bow in submission.

That month became known as the Grand Conquering. This was because of both the ease Daedalus did it and the fact that he had conquered the world.