
After saying his last goodbyes to Rose, Daedalus walked back over to Danforth and Rudra before saying "Okay, I'm ready to go."

Danforth nodded and pulled out a space travelling vessel, before sitting in the front. Rudra then jumped in followed by Daedalus. As Daedalus sat down he took one last look and smiled as he saw the retreating back of his daughter.

Rose seemingly sensed that he had looked and turned back just in time to see his smile before the ship turned into a beam of light heading towards the sky.


Billions of miles from the planet, Daedalus could be seen sighing lightly. Rudra took a look at him and said "You need to stop sighing, and prepare yourself for when we arrive. The moment we land our cultivation will begin to drop, it will be like a waterfall that attracts other cultivators to our location."

Daedalus took a deep breath before nodding seriously as he began to go over all of the knowledge he had gained just in preparation of this challenge.


It would take just over a month to reach the planet they where going to. So Daedalus took his time solidifying his gained knowledge. This meant that he would spend days at a time practicing with most weapons, or trying to deepen his understanding of the elements.

But Daedalus wasn't the only one as per usual, Rudra was training with his new hammer making it so he could use it proficiently. The same could be said for Danforth and his new axe, when Daedalus was making it he decided to add a bit more weight to increase the strength, so he added an enormous hammer to the back. In fact when Richard had seen it he had said "Huh, looks like Stormbreaker."

Daedalus had asked him about it afterwards and was slightly surprised at the coincidence.


It had been about three quarters of a month since they left when they saw the planet they where headed towards. Daedalus quickly came to realise that the planet was gargantuan in size as the where still more than a quarter of a month away.

Rudra and Danforth seemed satisfied with his shock but kept it to themselves only grinning at eachother. Daedalus could only shake his head and continue training in preparation of their arrival.

He could tell he would need to be prepared, even more so than before. So he continued to train at increasingly more difficult levels, even incorporating gravity formations which required large amounts of energy to simply sustain. The only times he stopped training, where when he fell unconscious. But still he felt he needed to be more prepared than before.


And he couldn't have been more right. The remainder of the time had passed quickly and when they arrived near the planet and stayed in orbit, they all noticed the enormous ships that surrounded the planet. It was at that moment Daedalus realised he had heavily underestimated the size and scale of the universe.