Map and First Steps in Cultivation

Daedalus sat calmly by the fire in the center of their camp slowly drawing a map. On their way down Daedalus had payed close attention to the surroundings just so that they could be more prepared. So he continued to take his time drawing the map.


Almost an hour later Daedalus set the map aside, satisfied with how it looked. About a thousand kilometres in any direction you would be able to come across one of the many kingdoms. By some luck or another Daedalus had been given the names and basic description of every place he had seen during their decent.

Within the one thousand kilometres however was an enormous forest known as the Forest of Life. The forest was called the Forest of Life because within the forest was the domain of the Elves. This was both luck and unlucky as the forest was known to be rather safe, but unluckily the Elven people where known to dislike having people mess with their forest.

The good thing is that they don't mind half elves so Daedalus would likely be alright, however he would have to figure out a story for Danforth and Rudra. Then again if it really came down to it he would probably be able to call them his servants, he is royalty after all.


A few hours later Daedalus had dug the tunnel slightly deeper. Danforth and Rudra returned a while later carrying fallen logs and other materials that would not entail harming the forest. This was of course because Daedalus had told them during lunch about the knowledge he had gained. They had all agreed that although it seemed all too convenient it was best to be careful and at least try to follow the instructions Daedalus gave based off of the information.

As it was getting closer and closer to night Daedalus asked the two to stay and help him prepare some temporary cultivation areas as they would likely not be sleeping, at least as much as cultivation would allow. They had of course agreed and spent the next hour or two helping him to build the three cultivations areas. When they where done they all went ahead and ate some of their dry food before sitting in their cultivation areas.


After sitting in the lotus position Daedalus began to go through the new technique and found to his great relief that the first level was simply understanding and knowledge based. So skipping ahead Daedalus went over the second stage Mortal Tether.

After spending a few minutes going over the cultivation method Daedalus couldn't help but feel something was missing. A few minutes later he realised that it was because the method went for a direct path rather than throughout the body.

Quickly Daedalus stopped Danforth and Rudra before saying "The method is incomplete, I think it was meant to trap the ones who didn't notice."

Danforth immediately sighed in relief and said "I thought so too."

Rudra who had gone slightly pale said "At least you warned me, I had almost started as I couldn't seem to find what I felt was wrong about it."