
Walking through the forest Daedalus made sure to note down each direction they went so that he could make his way back later. Along the way Daedalus occasionally asked questions usually pertaining to the general goings on within the Elven Empire.

Before long Daedalus had gained some understanding of both the Elven people themselves and information on the rest of the continent. For the most part the continent was at peace this was because of a treaty that split the resources of the continent between the races fairly. Every year there would be a tournament between the several races, Elven, Dwarven, Human and titan.

The elves where as expected talented mages, this of course didn't mean that they where physically weaker than other races but they focused more on magic and the elements. Dwarves tended to lean more towards being fire elementals, however they also had magnificent physiques this was mostly due to the fact that dwarves had long been the best blacksmiths. Humans are the most rounded in terms of ability, as they had talent in most anything but it was usually a weaker talent than those of a more specialised race. Titans are the most physically powerful race, they where more genetically dispositions towards being tall and bulky, and where known for their strong resistance to the cold and heat allowing them to live almost anywhere.

So during the tournament's each race would get a specific amount of resources based off of how good their younger generation did. This was sadly skewed in the favour of the elves and the titans, with the titans usually being first. The dwarves had long allied with the elves so that they wouldn't be limited in terms of resources but the humans where slowly getting weaker and weaker as their talents usually blossomed with age unlike the other races.

This disparity in resources caused the humans to become increasingly hostile and many thought that the peace would soon be broken due to the burden on the human race over the lack of resources. The problem was however that not one race wanted to give up any of their resources for the human race even if they didn't want the peace to end.


A few hours later after Daedalus had asked all of his questions and gone over them in his head. Daedalus couldn't help but think it was interesting that even here the Elves and Dwarves where allied and even seemed to be quite close, although unlike his parents who where the crown Prince and Princess of their respective races.

Before he could continue to think about that however Daedalus heard Danforth and Rudra gasp causing Daedalus to look up. Daedalus couldn't help but be surprised by the level of architecture in front of him and let out a breath of air.

The elf that lead them smiled proudly and said "Never seen anything this beautiful? I wouldn't be surprised, the dwarves made this in return for the resources we have them. Of course with our own flair to it."