Ceridwen (PT:2)

Within the garden palace of the elven empire Daedalus could be seen sitting with his aunt the elven Empress.

Hearing that as long as someone with the elven bloodline that lived on an energy rich planet could live for millions of years Daedalus couldn't help but sigh. Ceridwen noticing him sigh asked him "Why are you sighing Yidrealiv is one of the most energy rich planets, not to mention how strong the inhabitants are. I'm honestly surprised you could even conquer the planet."

Daedalus chuckled and said "This planet has about fifty times more energy than Yidrealiv, I assume it was caused by an overuse of the energy which caused the core to go into some sort of preservation mode. Also father and grandfather are showing their age now, they're dying of old age."

Ceridwen gasped at this and said "What! How is that possible, no planet has ever had that problem before. The only similar thing I can think of is if all of the strongest beings on the planet fought, I remember once I saw two god level beings fight on a planet, it was drained of its energy but the planet crumbled. Wait what if someone sealed the core of the planet?"

Daedalus eyes opened wide in shock and said "The planet guardian, I met him when I unleashed a bloodline transformation for the first time, I had accidently cracked the core and it began to leak energy into the world. What if it wasn't the core, but the seal!?"

Ceridwen went silent and seemed to be considering what Daedalus said. About a minute later she breathed out and said "I think your right, but only one person I know could be strong enough to do that, The God Emperor of the Milky way galaxy, Lin Jian, but it would take most of his cultivation to do it."

It was Daedalus turn to think about the possibility and eventually he said "Well he was only a little stronger than me, but why would he seal a planet's core at the cost of his cultivation?"

Ceridwen nodded before sighing and saying "Either way, let's talk about something else, preferably not so dark."

Daedalus chuckled and thought for a moment before saying "How do you cultivate?"

Ceridwen thought for a moment before saying "Well for the second stage you need to create the Mortal tether. I had to move energy through just over one hundred and thirty meridians before I created my first one, my second was far more difficult to make and so I only did fifty nine meridians."

Daedalus had a curious look on his face and said "So you can make more than one?"

Ceridwen nodded and said "Yes but only the talented can make more than one, more than two is even more difficult and if you by some chance made four or more you would be a supreme talent. That is of course even if for you fourth one only use one meridian."

With that new knowledge Daedalus took a moment to think about how he would cultivate further.