Emperor (PT:2)

Daedalus stood still. eventually the emperor said "Um, Daedalus? Was it just a coincidence that they are so similar, no I got reports of his skills, he has to be my nephew."

Daedalus eventually managed to cough himself back to attention where he said "You're my uncle!?"

The emperor nodded and said "Yeah, by the way my name's Artair."

Daedalus nodded and said "I just have one question, why are the dwarven and elven empires allied?"

Artair chuckled and said "Well now that's a long story. I'll simplify, me and Ceridwen where lovers for a while and we decided to come to this planet, as it turns out we should have held onto eachother because we where separated for a couple centuries. We only found eachother again when our empires got bigger, but our love had died out. We are still good friends though."

Listening to the story Daedalus couldn't help but feel as though he was missing something. Putting that aside Daedalus revealed "Well my aunt on my father's side happens to be Ceridwen."

Artair snorted and started laughing for a while before wiping a tear away and saying "What are the odds."

Daedalus couldn't help but agree with artair's statement, after all he had come to the planet because his master's had discovered it, not because he knew his aunt and uncle where here. Realising this Daedalus began laughing until Artair said "Okay what are you laughing about?"

Daedalus replied as best he could but laughed every now and again "I came here because my master discovered the better cultivation method. I didn't even know I had an aunt and uncle."

When Artair heard Daedalus saying he hadn't even known he had an aunt and uncle his eyes widened and he yelled "Your mother didn't tell you about me, what about my father!?"

Daedalus shook his head and said "I don't know much of anything, I only recently learned more about my bloodlines from Ceridwen. Huh, I just realised something."

As he said the last part Daedalus went into a daze. While he was dazed Artair was asking him a ton of questions. When Artair realised that Daedalus wasn't hearing anything he was saying he said "Daedalus, what's wrong, answer me boy."


Eventually Daedalus awoke from his daze to find himself in a large and lavish room, hat was beautifully designed. Beside the bed was Artair leaning against a wall snoring loudly.

Daedalus moved to get out of the bed he was in only to be stopped by Artair speaking "What happened in the throne room boy?"

Daedalus suddenly remembered what he had realised. Sitting up Daedalus chuckled darkly before saying "I hadn't even considered it before."

Artair was frowning now and said "Listen boy, stop speaking in riddles and tell me what the problem is."

Daedalus looked up at his frowning face and smiled "Do we even have last names, if we do, I was never told."

Artair's face immediately went dark when he heard that before saying "Daedalus I don't know what's wrong with my father and sister, but know this both sides of the family have last names, maybe they didn't know which one to go with but you should at least know the two names, right?"

Daedalus only shook his head.