Lack of Senses/ Spar

At the time Daedalus had been surprised to learn that Ultraun had built his new body so that he could feel, not only emotions but actual physical feeling. As he soon learned Ultraun had envied that Daedalus could feel and Daedalus had been using that exact advantage in most things.

It really brought a lot to the light for Daedalus. Most of his crafting abilities were centered around being able to feel how he affects the materials and the same went for his fighting skills. With this newfound understanding of how he does things Daedalus had decided to limit his senses to only sight and hearing.

He had only spent a few hours learning to turn them on and off but when he turned everything except his sight and hearing off, the world seemed to dull around him. It was then that Daedalus knew he would have a very hard time relearning everything like this.


Without his sense of touch Daedalus' skill as a craftsman returned to that of a novice. Without his senses of taste and smell Daedalus found food to be bland to the point he simply focused on making his food nutritious and beautiful. Sadly his lack of touch also meant he couldn't cook properly either.

And so it comes to a month later. Daedalus had continued to spar with Ultraun however he would spend every moment of his time other than sparring to simply practise his skills. He had the knowledge but without the senses it was difficult, but it was a path forward that Daedalus hadn't known before and it was effective.

Within that month of time Daedalus had returned to the level of a master craftsman only one step behind his previous self a grandmaster. His spear and swordsmanship had also gotten to the master level and Daedalus had discovered something new. It was as if he could feel everything the weapon he felt could feel.

So he took this new state and he refined it, the connection between man and weapons grew and soon his sense of touch which he had suppressed had returned. But it wasn't retuned by him removing the suppression, no it was because his connection with his weapons had grown to that degree.


On the mountain peak Daedalus and Ultraun where sparring. Daedalus held his new spear tightly within his grasp and rushed forward. As he stabbed out however Ultraun stepped to the side letting the spear graze past his shoulder.

Daedalus quickly jumped backwards while pulling his spear towards him and moved to stop the punch coming at him from Ultraun. The punch itself made the winds howl and shake but Daedalus' spearsmanship allowed him to redirect the power into the air.

Neither of them where holding back in their spar so every attack was lethal. After redirecting Ultraun's punch Daedalus twisted his spear in an arc and launched Ultraun across the mountain peak.

Ultraun quickly recovered and sprinted forward to meet Daedalus. As he did so a blade sprung out of his wrist and soon he was holding a dagger. Ultraun had long learned how to wield a weapon as a backup however he preferred shorter ranged weapons as it gave him more control.

Sadly Daedalus was using his spear and although Ultraun was skillful he was eventually downed. Smiling Ultraun said "You win this time Daedalus. Just remember, I won the last two times."

Daedalus snorted at this but grabbed Ultraun's hand to pull him up. With Daedalus' help Ultraun stood up and they began running towards the colony. They had started getting unwanted attention from the titans recently so though they where sparring they always rushed back.