
It took Daedalus about two weeks to reach the mountain range. Along the way he thought about several things. One was what the mountain range should be called, it would likely become a haven of technology and those who wish to research it.

The other was the tournament, it is basically a spar between the races, although deaths where frequent from what Daedalus heard. Ceridwen had also asked for him to fight as an elf, which was fair, he is the strongest of the younger generation, definitely in terms of age compared to others of his same strength.

He was only worried that the titans would have a trump card and kill him, though he doubted that they would unless they could kill all of the powerhouses of the other races at the same time. With those thoughts finished for now Daedalus had decided to except the invitation anyway, he would however be very cautious.


Having deeply considered the tournament for two weeks and speaking with Ultraun about a name, Daedalus and Ultraun had arrived at the mountain range. As Daedalus looked up at the sky he couldn't help but feel surprised at the height, it was at least tall enough to go higher than the clouds from what he could see though it went much further.

After having a quick discussion with Ultraun, Daedalus and Ultraun began to take materials and manufacturing equipment out. With that the two began to build hardy, multipurpose bodies for each of the Golems. As each body was slowly completed Daedalus and Ultraun placed the cores inside and the Golems would awaken.

When the Golems awakened they would be put to work creating bodies so the speed quickly increased until the end of the week. By the end of the week a small outpost had been built out of the ship and all of the Golems had bodies to work with.

Daedalus being slightly lazy and wanting to hurry construction of the real city decided to build the main tunnel himself. The way he did it was rather ingenious although incredibly dangerous. After concentrating his mana into a wide circle shaped disk with a point in the centre that stuck out, Daedalus launched it through the mountain so that he would create a tunnel.

Ultraun was a little dumbfounded by Daedalus method but commended him on the efficiency. Daedalus however didn't pay much mind and traveled to the center of the mountain. There deep within he found it, the heart, of the mountain.

Daedalus was incredibly happy it was comparatively larger than the previous one, similar to the mountain sizes and he could bring the other along later. For now though Daedalus handed it over to Ultraun and said "I will leave the rest to you, I need to prepare for the tournament, I only have a month left and I still don't know what the next path for cultivation is, and yes I will tell you when I find out, you do still have your communication device right?"

Ultraun of course did have it as it was built into his body, so he rolled his eyes at Daedalus and turned to the other Golems while saying "Get to work on digging out the city it will be difficult but I'll be travelling back and forth with new people to help out."

With that said the Golems all began the work of building a brand new capital city that would one day shake the world.