More Stances

As Daedalus greeted his ranged combat masters he couldn't help but notice that they where looking at him with smiles on their faces. Seeing Daedalus questioning look a blonde haired and tall elf stepped forward and said "We have observed your morning training and have decided to increase the difficulty somewhat."

Daedalus could tell, based off of the other teachers grins, that the increase wasn't some small amount. Sighing quietly to himself Daedalus took a deep breath before saying "When do we start, masters."


Daedalus wished he hadn't woken up today, his instincts to believe that the training would be even more difficult was true but not true enough. It was horrible. Sticks, they used metal sticks in order to slap Daedalus in any place his stance was wrong.

Luckily it wasn't all pain though, he had gotten clearly better by the end of the day, however his shoulders where killing him. It was fair though, his shoulders would droop constantly if he didn't stay focused. Not that them smacking him with sticks of metal helped with that.


The next morning Daedalus woke up as early as usual and again practised his stances. This time his shoulders stayed firm and his back straight, in fact he was so still that a squirrel ran up onto his shoulder thinking he was a new statue.

Eventually three hours had passed and one of his short ranged combat masters came to find him. By some miracle it was the hand to hand combat teacher and as Daedalus had quickly learned was about as smart as a rock. Though he was a fairly good teacher when it came to hand to hand combat.

That, however, didn't matter. Slowly the teacher walked around the courtyard then said "Where is he? Huh, that's a pretty good statue isn't it?"

Daedalus who was trying to continue his practise knew that his teachers where waiting for him, however he had managed to make his stance last an amazing amount longer. He just didn't want to stop, at least not until he reached his limit.

Unfortunately the hand to hand combat teacher was a curious man and started feeling Daedalus' muscles while saying "Wow, whoever sculpted this one did a really good job."

Due to the fact that Daedalus was putting his entire body under stress with his stance, his skin and muscles where about as hard as stone, at least that is how it felt to the hand to hand combat teacher. To anyone else they would have to think his body was made out of adamantine if they could even begin to evaluate the toughness.

Eventually because the touching was tickling him Daedalus couldn't hold his stance anymore and dropped the training bow. As it smacked into the floor it crushed the stone and embedded itself thoroughly. Daedalus on the other hand was too busy glaring at his teacher to care much about the training bow becoming stuck.

His teacher though was stood there dumbstruck by the sudden turn of events. Sadly with his limited mind he was thinking 'Wow I saved him from petication... no peterfercat, wait, wait was it petitoscy, eh whatever. What was I thinking about again?'

If Daedalus could have heard him he would have sighed loud enough for his family coming to this planet to hear.