Gathering Materials

It wasn't long after the entire cliff had collapsed that a adventurer arrived in the area. Daedalus, who had been injured somewhat heavily, almost immediately sensed that they where there.

Unfortunately Daedalus hadn't finished digging out the giant snake yet. It was over sixty metres long and covered by a cliff after all.

Fortunately the person was very loud which gave Daedalus just enough time to use one of the few healing potions he was allowed to bring with. When the man turned the corner through a pile of rubble he came face to face with Daedalus' spear

The man Daedalus could now recognise fully as human, had completely frozen in terror. He knew that if Daedalus hadn't been merciful he would already be long dead. Daedalus on the other hand was calmly thinking about what he should do now.

The man however said "Sir, I will leave immediately if you spare my life."

Daedalus looked at the man carefully and said "What's your cultivation stage?"

The man shuddered again as he heard the coldness in Daedalus' voice. Quickly he responded in a herculean effort not to displease the strong person "My cultivation stage is high mortal aura, my name is Jared and I don't have a last name."

Daedalus nodded and said "I will let you live but know this I can find you at anytime."

Jared nodded heavily as Daedalus lowered his spear before running in the opposite direction. As Jared ran away Daedalus realised just how he had gotten there with his meager strength. He was fast, incredibly so, and that was even before he used his wind aura from what Daedalus could see.

Then he put it to the back of his mind and began to finish uncovering the enormous snake. It would be providing him a number of high quality resources, like it's scales for a simple armour and it's meat for the next couple weeks if Daedalus held back a bit.

So he began to harvest the useful resources from the corpse, and eventually he was left with a pile of bone and no light to guide his way through the forest. It was quite likely, at least in Daedalus' mind, that his teachers had been holding off the adventurers all day. This thought had only been strengthened when the only adventurers that attacked where as strong, weaker or stronger than himself.

So with a quick effort Daedalus placed all of the raw materials into a few separate sections on his bag. Then he looked at the bones, they where pretty large, they could probably be used for tools and building materials, so he stuffed them in the bag as well.

Then he left the area by climbing the cliff and happily humming to himself. After reaching the top Daedalus looked down to see a number of adventurers looking around through the rubble. Causing Daedalus to smirk towards the tree line.

In the end Daedalus had to dodge an arrow that came at his left arm to which he stuck his middle finger up at the tree line. Then a few more arrows flew at him.