
It wasn't easy to forge dead star core. It would first of all require insane amounts of heat, which Daedalus had. Then it would need someone extremely strong and with extraordinary skill in controlling the hammer.

Daedalus as part dragon had all of these necessary abilities, but he would still struggle for hours trying to work with the metal. So before he got started with the forging itself he decided to go over his design ideas.

As he had a perfect memory Daedalus could very well have done this in his head, however he decided to do as usual and drawn the designs. He usually did this to take more time and relax while he worked rather than just sit completely still and imagine everything. It wasn't very fun when you finished and had nothing to show your thought process.

So Daedalus summoned a few large parchments from his spatial ring and layed them down on the table beside his reclining chair. He was very glad he had checked in with Darl before he left Yidrealiv.

After setting up his pencils and the paper Daedalus sat down and got comfy in his recliner before sighing contentedly. He hadn't had the pleasure of sitting on a sofa, let alone his personally made recliner, for a while.

Happy and prepared Daedalus began the rather arduous process of thinking up and drawing a number of different designs. As he slowly found designs that he like he would add a runic script into the drawings. This wouldn't enchant the paper however it did give Daedalus a chance to see how he liked the aesthetic.

It wasn't until almost five hours later Daedalus had decided on each design, including the runic script. Daedalus was very happy to have finished deciding his designs as it meant he would be able to get to work on actually making the designs now. So Daedalus quickly enchanted the parchments with fire immunity so that they wouldn't burn as he worked, he would be using his second strongest flame.

It was only a short walk for Daedalus to reach the smithy, however it felt like his hardest journey yet. He with much effort and difficulty, had to pry himself from the comforting grasp of the recliner.

Putting that aside Daedalus made his way to the smithy and began his preparations. First he pulled a lever on the wall just beside the door, this lever activated a mechanism that dropped a set of living metal walls around the room. This was something Daedalus had built to contain the remnant heat that escaped from the room on the more dangerous projects.

The second thing he did was to flip another lever which pulled a living metal furnace and anvil out of the wall while the normal ones where retracted into the ground. They where bigger than the normal ones and made to withstand even his hottest breath for at least a few minutes.

Then, finally, Daedalus summoned his hammer and the dead star core from his spatial ring. And with a determined look growing on his face Daedalus placed the metal within the furnace and took a deep breath.