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Even if the leaders of each of the races didn't like how the female titan spoke, they really couldn't start a war over something as trivial as it seemed. Ceridwen was of course thoroughly annoyed and angry at the titaness however she had still chosen to back down.

It had now been about three days since the meeting of the leaders for speaking about the tournament. Daedalus had been thoroughly interrogated by his aunt and uncle. He hadn't really been planning to hide anything so he had just told hem everything straight up. Including that as long as he got stronger he would be equivalent to a real god as long as he was on the planet.

Ceridwen and Artair where of course immensely shocked but also crazily happy as he only needed a bit of time and they wouldn't have to worry about much anymore. This still didn't stop them from thinking about the coming tournament though. It would only be starting in about ten months now.

Still they recognised the trust he put in them and decided to inform him of what happened in the race leaders meeting. Hearing his aunt rant about the titaness Daedalus couldn't help but feel annoyed as well. Now that he thought about it though all of the Golems must have made it to the new mountain.

So after talking with his aunt and uncle for a little longer Daedalus asked them to help him get to the mountain the Golems where at so that he could create a new teleportation formation. After a bit of pestering the two agreed and Artair eventually just picked him up and flew all the way there.

The speeds where shockingly fast even for Daedalus and soon enough the two had arrived in front of a very beautiful looking mountain. It was still extremely tall however Daedalus could now see a number of houses and other building all the way up the side of the mountain. Surrounding the base of the mountain where several enormous fields of a variety of crops and animal farms.

In the fields Daedalus could see many figures harvesting. What shocked Daedalus was the level of advancement that he could see. Carriages without horses or other animals, and even the Golems themselves. The Golems Daedalus could see had skin!

This shock only continued to grow as he more carefully observed several of the Golems around him who where coming to see who had appeared. Even Artair was surprised by much of what he saw, even more so than Daedalus.

It wasn't long after he commotion of two visitors arriving that Ultraun eventually came out and said "Artair and...?"

Daedalus face twitched a bit and he said "Daedalus, hi Ultraun, I can see everything is going quite well."

Ultraun raised his eyebrows at Daedalus before he started laughing. Eventually he stopped laughing and nodded "Yes everything is going well, I even managed to develop a skin like armour for us. Actually Daedalus I wanted to speak with you about something I have made, it's quite..."

The pause lasted for a while but he eventually said "Groundbreaking."