Beauty of Nature

After having the realisation that he could absorb the attributed energy Daedalus had considered the ways he could do this. One of these ways was to eat the flesh of beasts that had the attribute he wanted.

It had actually been when he had eaten an Earthen Death Worm that Daedalus had made the realisation. So Daedalus was heading back to the castle to explain his discovery and ask them to hunt for attributed beasts for him to eat.

On the way though Daedalus chose to admire the view. So as he left the cave he had made his spa in Daedalus observed his surroundings. There was of course the waterfall, he had actually learned that the waterfall was formed due to the excess water that had made it into the reservoir. Initially it had been planned to be removed as it could be seen as a safety hazard. However that had been stopped when the people living nearby explained that it was actually helping crops and such as well as looking beautiful.

As you would expect it had been around since the dwarven capital was built so most people just excepted it as a natural thing to have and didn't treat it as much of a tourist spot. Thus the area was left desolate aside from the nature which had grown healthily around it.

As with most waterfalls there was a lake at its bottom but this ones depth was too deep to see the bottom and housed a number of large water attributed beasts as Daedalus had learned when he was bored once. There was even a group of seraphoid which where thought to have been extinct.

On the cliff walls surrounding the waterfall where enormous vines and several large trees which roots where large and deeply embedded inside the stone. On the opposite side was the bank of the lake where easily fifty metre tall trees stood tall and full of life, a few even seemed to be thousands of years old by his estimation.

Then there where the shrubs, bushes and flowers as well as mushrooms and other small herbs that filled in most of the blank space except for the animal trails that where clearly well over a hundred years old. The beautiful mix of greens, browns, blacks, blues, reds and all sorts of other colours really made the area look beautiful.

And so as Daedalus walked towards the capital city he could occasionally spot small hunting shacks, some abandoned some still in use. As well as a number of fox burrows and bird nests that dotted the ground and trees.

Eventually his reverie towards the beauty of nature came to an end as he reached the gates of the city. Deciding to not bother the locals Daedalus chose to use his flying technique and simply avoid everything.

Thus Daedalus arrived inside the castle where he proceeded towards his uncles study. When he finally got there Daedalus knocked on the door and waited for an answer. There was an immediate shuffling before he heard his uncles gruff voice saying "Daedalus!? You're finally back eh? Come in then stop standing there!"