New Toy

As a glutton and the maker of the food Daedalus had immediately snatched back the plate of food and said "What do you think your doing!"

The person who had been reaching for the food glared at Daedalus before saying "I was invited here by the emperor, what do you think I'm doing!?"

Daedalus who was feeling an abnormally large amount of emotions snorted and said "Stealing my food is what you where clearly trying to do!"

The person Daedalus had recognised as a dwarf laughed before saying "Your food? I bet you stole this from the kitchen you ignorant servants child!"

It was as the person was saying this that Artair and Ceridwen happened to enter the room. Hearing what the person had said about his sister Artair said "Metal! You seem to have grown too arrogant! Calling my nephew a servants child!"

Yes, this person who had insulted Daedalus' parents is the person his uncle had told him to spare with. Metal who had said such hurtful things simply snorted and said "I don't care, in the future you will all be below me why should I care!"

Daedalus who hadn't spoken for a while took this moment to transform into his dragon form. Although he wasn't nearly as big as before he was easily as long as the table. Then in one swift movement he crushed Metal's arm, weirdly his arm rather than acting like flesh had simply deformed like metal hit by something, hard.

Metal who hadn't expected this sudden turn of events stood up and glared at Daedalus while his arm slowly moulded back into shape while making crackling sounds. Daedalus who had forgotten his rage for curiosity decided that this Metal person was too interesting to kill. So he would experiment instead.

Metal for some unknown reason to himself felt a shiver go up his back. This moment of hesitation after he stood gave Daedalus enough time to swing his tale. The sound of metal being crushed and ploughing through stone could be heard for a second as a hole suddenly formed in the wall behind where metal had been.

Daedalus apologised to his aunt and uncle before going through the hole himself to chase after his new toy.

Back in the building though Artair just sighed and said "Ceridwen did you see the look in his eyes?"

Ceridwen who still looked a little angry nodded and said "It looked like he was angry, but after crushing the idiots arm he had a look of curiosity, which eventually looked like a thirst for experimenting. I think you'll need a new genius otherwise you may have to deal with a mentally crippled one. Still he was too arrogant why didn't you beat it out of him earlier in his life!?"

Artair sighed and said "Well he was actually rather sweet until now, if anything I think because of his recent breakthrough, he thinks he has caught up with us older monsters."

Ceridwen sighed at this and said "Daedalus has left his food to get cold, he probably won't remember until tomorrow due to his new toy."