The Diary

Daedalus felt a bit bad about reading Metal's diary, however after reading through it Daedalus couldn't help but be glad he had. As it turned out Metal's family had been working on a technique since it began, and the diary had all of the information that was passed down.

It was amazing. There was no other way to describe it, for thousands of years a prominent noble family had been focusing there efforts into this one technique. But it was also unfortunate, Metal had been the one to get the nearly completed technique.

As Daedalus had read through the diary he had noticed notes placed in any free spot. Daedalus could tell that these where newer writings, at least within a few years. Most where simple revisions, however almost all of them showcased the personality of the one writing. The worst was that the diary also had new pages that detailed Metal's plans to kill the rest of his family, only because they knew of the technique.

As Daedalus slowly closed the book he looked down to Metal who was laying unconscious on the ground. Daedalus had felt bad for experimenting on the arrogant bastard after a while, but now? He would like to continue.

Of all things the most important thing to Daedalus was that his family was safe, so seeing Metal's plans to kill his own family angered him greatly. So Daedalus stood there for a second to take a deep breath, just enough to calm his head a little. Then he grabbed Metal and took off towards the castle.


A few minutes later a small commotion was caused by Daedalus arriving as a dragon. As he had left quite speedily only the more powerful and high ranking officials had actually seen what had happened. So Daedalus waited until his uncle came out.

This luckily didn't take long but Daedalus could swear he saw a red mark on his uncles neck, like a hickey? Disregarding that Daedalus followed him into the castle, still as a dragon, until they where out of sight of the door. At this point Daedalus transformed back into his regular form.

As he was back in his regular form metal who had been in Daedalus' right hand was now held by nothing and fell to the ground with a metallic thwack. Artair looked at the unconscious dwarf before looking back at Daedalus and saying "I'm surprised you let him live but why have you brought him back here?"

Daedalus who was still furious after reading Metal's plans didn't say anything, rather he pulled out the book and opened it to the pages the plans where on. Artair then read the plans and closed his eyes before looking away from Metal.

By some sort of luck Metal woke up just as Artair was looking away. When he realised where he was Metal shouted "Emperor, your nephew just tried to kill me!"

It was then that he saw he book Daedalus was holding. Rather than asking for the diary Metal lunged forward to snatch the diary out of Daedalus' hands.