
Within the dark and vast expanse of space, a large, slow moving ship could be seen making its way forward. This ship was enormous, possibly big enough to fit a small city.

Inside of this enormous ship however, was a pocket dimension and inside the pocket dimension the space of a large continent could be seen. In this area beautiful houses where visible as well as a few large castles and palaces. In one of the palaces was a family eating dinner while chatting about anything and everything, with the occasional laughter in-between.

It was then that an older man at the other end of the table said "Andromeda, tell us. How did Daedalus look again?"

After saying this Gram began laughing which was quickly followed by everyone else. After the laughter died down there where a few sighs and Andromeda said quietly "How much longer? We've been making our way there for well over a year now."

It was at this time that Danel said "It should only be two or so months until we get there, if only this ship was faster. Daedalus said it took about two months right?"

Andromeda nodded at this question before saying "I think it is because we are travelling with so many more people, there where only the three of them when they made the trip. Also mother-in-law I think I heard something about your brother being there, I had forgotten until now."

Selda, Danel and their fathers all stood up and said "Seriously, so that means Ceridwen and Artair went to this planet. No wonder they couldn't come back, that place has a spatial seal from what Daedalus said!"


The evening had slowly come to an end with the night falling leaving the pocket dimension in a warm darkness. The family that had been eating dinner together where now sat around the living room doing whatever they felt like, be it reading or playing the games Richard had brought to there home.

It was in the back of the living that the library was located. In the library was Andromeda who had decided to read one of the few remaining books that she hadn't read. Just as she was about to begin reading however Gram walked over and sat in one of the empty chairs in front of Andromeda.

The first thing she heard after he walked in was Gram sighing. Then he said "I know you miss him but we couldn't leave anyone of our people behind, that man was planning something, it is good that Daedalus had made this ship otherwise I am afraid to think about what could have happened."

Andromeda sighed and looked up from her unopened book. A few seconds later Andromeda spoke "I do miss him but, I know he would have felt even worse if we hadn't done this. That man fought him before you know, Daedalus lost his arm at that time, and not because the man was strong, but how he used his strength. Even Long Tian was killed by his vile strategy."