
With Daedalus preoccupied by progressing in his technique, a specific ship grew closer. With so little time until the tournament it also happened that the ship taking Daedalus' entire family to this planet was soon to arrive.

Back in the dwarven empires castle however Ceridwen and Artair where speaking with eachother. Ever since Daedalus had returned to his cultivation chamber Ceridwen and Artair had been talking about the tournament. They had also spoken about what they would need to talk about with Daedalus parents and grandparents.

Thus they had spent most of their time with eachother. As anyone but Daedalus could have guessed the two had gotten back together. Surprisingly Daedalus had been a catalyst to this as he had visited them both and set up a teleportation formation allowing easy travel between empires.


Soon another few weeks passed, leaving only one week until the tournament began. At this time a small city sized ship landed on the planet. By some luck this ship landed not far from the Golem race's mountain.

Due to the suprise of the ship's landing Ultraun had left the top of the mountain, of which he had named sanctuary. When he had seen the first individuals out of the ship he had been surprised to see Richard and Reginn as well as Gram and Daedalus' grandfathers.

Ultraun had luckily been present during one of Daedalus' calls with his family and had gotten an introduction to Richard and Reginn. So without caring in the slightest if Daedalus was busy, he sent a message using there soul bond to come immediately.

Daedalus had luckily already reformed his body by the time he got this message. His body was of course remade in a suitable way for the next stages he had planned for his cultivation. However more than anything else, his body had been rebuilt with growth and potential in mind.

Sadly due to not considering absolutely everything, Daedalus' spatial ring clothes and everything that was within a ten metre radius of himself had been devoured. Due to this Daedalus' body now had a pocket dimension basically built into his right hand, unfortunately that was all as everything except Icarus had been devoured and used as a fuel for his new body.

In fact when Daedalus had realised what had happened he had forced his core to split off a small part and reform Icarus. This had obviously upgraded Icarus quite nicely and due to the insane amount of weapons Daedalus had on him, Icarus could now transform freely into whatever Daedalus needed. Luckily Daedalus had left a large stash of materials back in the elven kingdom, specifically within his workshop.


Just as he had gotten the message from Ultraun Daedalus who had been testing the limits of his new body immediately began running in that direction. No flying or transforming to increase his physical capabilities, pure physical exertion allowed him to reach absurd speeds, not to mention that he had essentially reset his body cultivation again.

What was more absurd was that he felt his body growing as he ran. It was as though his leg muscles where growing and compressing at the same time. This caused Daedalus' already fast speeds to become even faster.