
The rulers of the continent had ended up doing test after test to take it away from Daedalus. In the end however they couldn't find anyway to separate them. Daedalus for his part wanted to place a rune on the spear to stop it from talking, but he couldn't cut the metal with anything he had so how could he inscribe a rune.


Daedalus knew that something was going on. The rulers had kept up with their weekly meetings for the past three months. When Daedalus realised this he decided to further increase the intensity of his training.

Daedalus, however hadn't figured out how to cultivate his energy with his new technique. He knew that by doing regular exercising his body was developing muscles at a rapid pace. So he decided to simply gather as much energy as possible.

By now his energy gathering arrays had developed further due to the Terronian metal and the liquid metal that didn't have a name yet. In simple terms the absorption ability of the Terronian metal had been upgraded over time due to the qualities of the living metal.

Thus Daedalus spent twelve hours every day absorbing energy in the, now portable, cultivation chamber. The other half of the day was spent with Andromeda, both to just be around her and also to workout together. Andromeda also used a cultivation chamber, just that because of their talents they had to use separate ones.

As they used the same cultivation method Daedalus took the chance to observe how it worked with Andromeda's body. To his surprise it actually worked the exact same as his, it was surprising because it was rare even with tested methods to get the same results.

It was during the third month however that Daedalus felt it was getting harder to push his body to its limits. When he realised this Daedalus decided to add weights into the mix. When he did this his results went even higher than before.

Daedalus felt a bit stupid for not considering it before so he decided to test every way he could think of. Andromeda helped him here as she was much more proficient in biology, which came in handy for finding better exercises.

So the last of the three months was spent with Andromeda setting up a workout plan while Daedalus prepared different levels of weights to increase difficulty over time. Then there was the interruption.

Artair had used the teleportation formation to get to Daedalus and Andromeda's home. After getting there he solemnly told Daedalus "You need to speak with your grandfather, dwarven grandfather, no time to waste."


When he arrived at the royal castle of the dwarven empire, Daedalus was surprised to see that the other rulers of the continent where there. As he walked into the hall where it was clear a meeting was taking place, Daedalus was welcomed warmly by all of the rulers that where there.

Daedalus had a bad feeling at that and looked over at Dwalin. His grandfather looked down a little beaking eye contact and causing Daedalus to get worried. Then the more arrogant human emperor from before said "We have been told of your cultivation method, is it possible that you could share it?"