Rebel Return

Another month has passed, tensions have begun to rise due to a recent attack. A person, suspected of coming from the other continent, appeared and wrought havoc in the arrogant emperor's capital.

Even though Daedalus didn't particularly like him, Daedalus had still felt it wasn't nice to die the way he did. When Daedalus had arrived he had seen the emperor's arm stuck in a wall, with his head on a spike in the center of the capital.

The fight had clearly been fairly quick but it seemed the two had been on equal terms, Ceridwen had found a man, bleeding out with a grin on his face, sitting on the dead emperor's throne. After dispatching the powerful individual because he wouldn't speak she had left and informed everyone about what had happened.


It had only been a week since the event that Daedalus got the news. The path had been found, it wasn't even near the coast and was discovered by some titans who where returning to their homes.

To Daedalus shock, it lead into a mountain which Daedalus knew the rebel golems had made. Daedalus told his grandfathers this information but hid it from the others. It might have been a coincidence after all.

Soon after that Daedalus was asked to assemble a force of stronger people from the younger generation. The group size was limited as it was to be a stealthier mission so Daedalus had to think carefully.

The first person Daedalus chose was Andromeda, she was obviously chosen due to her skills and because he didn't want to leave her alone after just reuniting. The second Daedalus chose was Earth, the reasoning was that, although not as strong as Daedalus he wasn't far behind.

Finally Daedalus chose Ultraun, Daedalus had a bad feeling that the golems where related to this mess. It was good that they all where made using a miniscule fragment of Ultraun's consciousness. This would allow Ultraun to shut them down without an issue. The only problem was that as the fragment grew there was a small chance of complete independence.

Daedalus just hoped they hadn't advanced beyond Ultraun. If they did it would cause real issues.


With his team assembled Daedalus arrived at the entrance with a small army to make sure no one got in the way. With no issues a small group of people went in to scout ahead and assure their safety. Moments later the group came out and said "There is a colony of some sort, we saw golems mining several tunnels. They seem to be digging toward the capitals of each empire."

The news was shocking and Daedalus knew that he would have to destroy the colony. Knowing this Daedalus felt a hollow thing in his heart, he may not have known them for long but he had created them.

Daedalus looked to Ultraun and said "Go, you can use them to reinforce your soul."

With that said Ultraun transformed into an armoured battle ready look from his previous human form and flew into the tunnel.