The Plan

It took them a full month to gain perfect control of the new energy, however even now they didn't know what it was called. Either way, with perfect control of their energy the two of them felt it was time to let everyone know that the legacy was completed.

So the two left the Under-Mountain city and made their way towards the capital of the Eiphix continent. The city was in the location where the tournament city had been located in the past, now however the city that used to be on Yidrealiv.

The city was of course given a massive upgrade by Daedalus so that it was up to his current standards. At the same time he had added several mini dimensions in specific buildings he felt had a lot of importance. He would have liked to do this for every building but he felt that it would have been a breach of privacy so he chose not to.

Back to present times, Daedalus and Andromeda had made their way to the capital and further to where a new smaller building had replaced the palace. Daedalus had shrunk the castle and taken it with him before building a proper governmental building and making it architectural style same as most buildings. It had the same foundations as the castle however meaning that Daedalus could just shrink either down and replace them with the other.

Daedalus had found too much joy with that idea and made a store to sell different types of houses that could be shrunken and replaced if you desired. This had led to a fad for changing your house, however when the new government had realised the complications Daedalus had been asked to stop making them as it was getting dangerous. Even more so when a house was stolen while people where in it.

Back to present times. Daedalus and Andromeda quickly got an audience with the council of the Eiphix continent. As soon as they where in Daedalus explained "We have completed the legacy trial, this has given us the ability to control the planet. We don't plan to rule here and we are quite happy as is, however we know some people want to explore the universe. Before we can let people leave though, we need to let you know. There are powerful beings outside the planet waiting for the legacy trial to be completed. So as a precaution we will use the planets ability to move to travel several light years away before putting down the trial shield."

When Daedalus finished speaking the council immediately went into a panic before Daedalus grandfathers yelled telling everyone to calm down. When everyone calmed down Dwalin said "It is a good idea to travel away from here but are you sure it would be safe even then?"

Andromeda spoke ethos time saying "Yes, I have checked. There are enchantments in place to remove all traces of the location as it moves. And with how fast the planet will move it will be similar to teleportation."