The Island Chain of Heris

It had been a few days since the two came across the little island chain. Right now they where sat down in front of a small cafe. The island chain was inhabited by a surprisingly large amount of humans.

If Daedalus was right from reading some of the history books when they first got there, the entire community began when a boat from the Eiphix continent had crashed. The survivors had done all they could to get back initially, however they eventually settled down. Over time the population grew and the island chain was fully colonised.

Interestingly, cultivation was an unknown concept to most, and seen by those who knew the term as simple fantasy. This intrigued him and Andromeda so they had decided to stick around for a while.

They had learned a lot about the population while they stayed. Andromeda had even made a few friends, sadly they had learned that the lifespans of the people here where around eighty years at best. Andromeda even tried to see if they could cultivate, unfortunately their bodies where simply incapable of doing so.


It had now been about three years since they left the Eiphix continent, and two since they landed on the islands of Heris. The two had cleanly entered into the community as regular people, the two where well known for being traders of beautiful trinkets and good materials.

Daedalus had taken some time to set up a small smithery of his own where he had taken to making smaller items as well as tools for those who asked. These trades weren't given to only one of the islands though, they had begun trading things between islands and such as a way to stay in touch with a few of their friends.

It was a joyful time for the two of them, they learned a lot from being traders and store owners. Of course they wanted to keep exploring but they had decided to put that on hold for a time.


They knew that the community believed they where a young couple, so the two of them decided to act the part. It was good that they had decided to cultivate the same technique, otherwise they wouldn't be completely compatible.

Daedalus had realised that as your cultivation increased you would become more and more incapable of having children. Well Daedalus realised that that was mostly based on the cultivation technique than strength. The two techniques effect the bodies of the person cultivating them and their energy. So if two people cultivated the same technique they had a higher chance of being able to have children.

Knowing this Daedalus and Andromeda, worked hard. However seeing as it was only two years without any signs the two weren't worried, either way they already had children.


Back to more normal stuff, Daedalus was sat in his smithy working on some of the orders he had gotten. It wasn't very hard for him to make these sorts of things, however he had limited his capabilities to that of a normal twenty years old man when they arrived two years earlier, Andromeda having done the same.

After two years of working out in the sun on their boat and in the smithy Daedalus' previously pale and smooth skin had become rough and tanned, while Andromeda had become lightly tanned. At the same time Daedalus' muscles had become more like a bodybuilders than what he learned was considered a swimmers body.

Daedalus the ever curious of course looked up this term in the library one day and learned about the gyms and other such things like competitions. Daedalus was very interested in those.