Gold Gym

Though he had muscles and he could lift a small moon with some difficulty, Daedalus had used runes on his body in order to limit himself. So it only took thirty minutes for his body to tire out, fairly though he had tried practically every training item in the entire gym.

With his body aching Daedalus made his way back to the locker room. Pain was coursing through his body and he felt like a block of steel, so he decided to check out the hot tub. It was nice and quickly his tense muscles relaxed and began the recovery process.

A few minutes later he was joined by Andromeda who sat beside him. Sadly it was a hot tub meant for everyone in the gym so other people quickly joined them. Near the hot tub Daedalus could see a spa and other rooms meant to help with relaxation.

He was eventually brought back to reality when Andromeda tapped his shoulder and said "Daedalus, you should try talking to people, I'm sure you can ask them questions."

So Daedalus turned to his side and noticed a guy with a look of quiet loathing on his face. Daedalus could immediately tell that the man had been trying to talk to him so he said "Sorry, I was distracted by everything, I'm new to the gym. My name's Daedalus, what's yours?"

The man sighed and said "I'm Tom, and yeah, I figured you where new seeing how distracted you where. I've been coming to this gym since it was first opened. I suppose that's your wife, so you got any questions?"

Knowing he had met just the right person to talk to Daedalus didn't hold back with his torrent of questions. The older looking man by some miracle had managed to keep up with the unending stream, however by the time they where done their skin had wrinkled considerably.

Finally getting out Tom said "Well that definitely got me thinking about things. So you're interested in body building, eh? You came to the best place, we have had generations of the best body builders come out of our gym. Even a few of the champs that lasted a couple years in the business."

Daedalus nodded along and said "Yeah, I read about it all at the library, so when I found out that the gold gym was so close I had to check it out! Anyway, though I may want to do this I also want to be able to do it as a hobby most of all."

Tom nodded slightly and said "But you should know if you read what you seem to have, it takes time and more than just training. If you don't have the genetics for it you won't be the champ, and even then if it's, just, a hobby then you won't get far. What do you do for work?"

Daedalus could tell the man was serious so Daedalus said "I run a novelty shop, I called it The Craftsman's Smithy, I make cheap goods and sell them for whatever I feel like."

Tom's eyes widened and he said "Wait so you're the craftsman, man you're famous and stuff you know, no-one's done blacksmithing for about fifty years. Everything is made with machines and stuff anymore, I even heard some of the boys here at the gym have been trying out the art."

Daedalus smiled with pride and said "I bet a few have already given up, it's not easy to begin with, and I started when I was five."

The man looked at Daedalus and said "Seriously, damn I didn't think someone could stick with something like that for more than a decade. Anyway I bet your body is aching, you should head home or something, I'll set a training plan for you, meet me tomorrow alright?"

Daedalus' smile went up to his ears as he nodded and said "I'll be here at eight in the morning."

With that said Daedalus and Andromeda left the gym and headed towards their boat to rest for the next day, it was sure to be exhausting.