Back on the Eiphix Continent

Andromeda was devastated when she found the note. Ronin had decided that he wanted to explore the continent on his own and with the sigil that he had been given he wouldn't be in too much danger.

Daedalus was also upset, though more at the fact that Ronin had left without saying goodbye. He had expected the boy to tell them in person that he was leaving rather than just leaving a note.

In the end the only way he could make Andromeda less murderous was to have the world formation protect him in the off chance whatever enemy he had made, decided the sigil meant nothing and went for the kill. It was also set to send to in directly to a family member if he was that badly injured.


Ronin was happy to leave, he had always felt a calling for exploration, but he was tired of always being with his parents. Don't get him wrong he loved them, but he wanted more freedom, so he had left leaving only a note on the bedside table.

After that he had left the boat and headed into the city the docks where a part of. He knew that they would at least search the city for him so he had immediately gone to the center of the city, to a large shop filled with all sorts of animals. He had saved up money while they where travelling the world so he confidently walked in planning to buy a good magical horse and a saddle.

A short time later and a whole lot of money shorter Ronin finally left the godforsaken shop. The shopkeeper had completely ripped him off and he knew it, but he was in a hurry. He knew his parents would wake up soon so he had to move.


Ronin had been correct, Daedalus and Andromeda had indeed searched the city for him. In fact they had even tracked him up to the shopkeepers store. When they had asked about him the shopkeeper had bragged about ripping him off early that morning.

Daedalus shamelessly asked how much the man had scammed off of Ronin. The shopkeeper shamelessly bragged that he had gotten ten times the price for the horse, two hundred thousand gold in total. Daedalus of course stole back the money and made sure that the shopkeeper didn't even know how before taking an angrier Andromeda with him.

Knowing they wouldn't be finding Ronin any time soon the two of them decided to finish restocking and head around to the dwarven side of the continent. They had decided to go there because it was closer that the elven territory.

It was good that Daedalus had managed to get his grandfather, to make a dock so that they could get sea trade for the dwarven territory. It would take them about two weeks to reach the dwarven seaside city, but it was faster than going by land. And so the two set off in hopes of getting to the city and seeing their other children again.


This story is written by Joseph Hines