Little update

Hello again, here is the first update.

Holy fuck, I made about a million mistakes with my grammar/punctuation!

Honestly it has taken this long for an update because I'm still trying to get all of my chapter onto my computer, I wish I had done it from the start. Do comment if you want me to write a chapter or something, I may be editing what I have but I am still planning to write, my goal is still 1,000 chapters after all and I don't plan on giving up!

Also, no, I am not going to drop this book, just nipping that thought in the bud. This book is my greatest achievement and what is keeping me mentally alive. It would hurt me more than anyone to stop it all together, it's why I was so angry when someone stole my book and the Amazon bastards didn't do shit, still haven't done shit!

Okay my ranting is over, send me comments if you want a chapter sooner rather than later. Thanks for reading!!!