The Cliff-side Manor

Daedalus stood calmly looking over his home, it had been three hundred years since Daedalus and Andromeda had created The Farm. They had since moved on but they got news of the happenings in the cozy little town.

Now Daedalus stood on the balcony of his home, that was carved out of the side of a mountain, overlooking the sea. It was as far from civilization that he and Andromeda could go without leaving the continent.

Sighing quietly into the salty sea breeze Daedalus felt a pair of arms wrap around his midsection. Chuckling Daedalus stayed quiet watching the clouds float past and schools of fish swim around the reef.


The vibrant whitestone walls of their house glowed in the early morning sun bathing them in subtle warmth. It was early and Daedalus had woken up with the first rays of sunlight. Daedalus enjoyed walking through the halls early in the morning, the glow of the waking sun gave the house a golden glow that calmed him significantly.

The reason he woke up so early today though, was because of the delivery. Daedalus had set up a teleportation formation so that he could get a large supply of food and raw materials once per month. It was also a chance to have breakfast with Rose, Reginn and Ronin if he wasn't on another planet.

Walking into the kitchen Daedalus found Rose sitting at the counter talking with Reginn on a small tone tablet. The tablet was a communication device Daedalus had made to help keep in contact with family.

Walking behind the counter Daedalus said "So, what have you brought with you today?"

Rose grinned mischievously and said, grinning, "I guess you'll have to wait and see."

Daedalus heard a chuckle from the tablet and said "Well I guess I will then, how are you two?"

Rose smiled less mischievously and said "I've almost finished building the colosseum in the capital, people are looking forward to seeing it done. Could you come bye some time soon and set up the protection arrays? I don't want to forget and get someone killed."

Daedalus nodded at that and said "Of course I will, how about a week from now?"

After getting a nod from her, Reginn finally arrived and said "I've been working on that school I was telling you about twenty years ago, only the foundation so far but I want to make it as best I can. Other than that it's getting warmer now with summer starting I think I might take a trip to my beach house this year."

Daedalus smiled and said "Okay well I need to take a look at he food section now, I still don't know what I'm making for breakfast, Rose could you wake up your mother?"

Rose pouted and grumbled out "Do I have to, why can't you she's really grumpy in the mornings."

Regardless of what she said she had still walked out of the room towards the master bedroom. Daedalus chuckled at this with Reginn and gave him a pat on the shoulder before getting to work sorting the delivery.