
Daedalus was lost. He had been floating through the nothingness of space and, at some point, had wandered out of range of the teleporter. Worst of all he had stumbled into a void, of all things to get lost in, so he couldn't even find a planet to rest on and build a new teleporter.


A week had passed since Daedalus had arrived in the void. It was dark as usual not one star within a light years distance. So rather than just wait to find something solid to sit on Daedalus decided to tinker with what few materials he had nearby.

A couple chunks of rocks for example had just flown past. It was rather rare to see anything fly past here so that was probably a good sign.

Grabbing onto the two chunks of rock was easy enough, a little fire breath later and they where melted into a nice smooth surface, turns out it was iron. Sitting down after a week was nice.

Luckily Daedalus still had his pocket dimension so he could still build things with what few resources he had brought with and collected along the way. Luckily that included his phone which as far as Daedalus knew had unlimited range, unfortunately, there was also two missed calls and one message calling him a dumbass.

The call went surprisingly smoothly considering Daedalus had been gone a week. Andromeda just said "What, I expected you to do that, just make the teleporters better and have a force teleport set up to stop people from going past the limit."

Daedalus knew the limit was really for Ronin, he had taken a keen interest in the teleporter and like exploring so Daedalus understood Andromeda's worry.


With his iron platform beneath him Daedalus decided to give it an upgrade, just a small upgrade. first he made it twice as large, then he added half walls, then he created a false gravity machine and a fake atmosphere.

When that was done Daedalus had a small world orb, Daedalus thought it was a cool name. With that done Daedalus began work on the new teleporter while using his navigation app to send himself back towards the Andromeda.

the teleporter was already pretty complicated, but to be fair it had never really been worked on, Daedalus had just made it to get home that one time. Now he had time to work on improving the device. He was curious if he could use it to get back to Yidrealiv but that didn't really matter.


Two more weeks had passed, and Daedalus may have gone overboard. The teleporter was now the same size as him and Daedalus didn't even know if there was a max distance, then again the universe was really big so it probably couldn't get to the edges.

Now that that was done though he made a couple more with Andromeda's specifications, and decided to test the device properly.

And that's how Daedalus ended up buried into the side of a mountain after forgetting that the momentum would still be there when he teleported.