Exam (PT:1)

Walking through the front gates of U.A was nerve racking but Izuku was a lot more confident now. Being in contact with the media had brought him out of his shell to a degree, though he was still shy.

So after taking a deep breath Izuku smiled with determination and began walking inside. As he walked in Izuku heard a stomping that he recognised but didn't move out of the way. Bakugou who had noticed Izuku smirked and made his way over and attempted to knock him over by hitting his shoulder.

As it would happen Izuku's body was past the halfway mark to the peak human in physical prowess. So when Bakugou went to knock him down he ended up putting himself off balance while Izuku kept walking. Bakugou scowled before continuing after Izuku to his seat.

Izuku and Bakugou where sat beside each other in the auditorium. Izuku had however made it his goal to ignore Bakugou as best he could. This obviously enraged the violent boy but he couldn't do anything.

When Present Mic walked onto the stage Izuku smiled happily and muttered a little. He had luckily been working on his habit of muttering so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Towards the end of the announcement a boy stood and asked about the zero pointer and pointed at Izuku before saying "And you, with the green hair stop that insufferable muttering it is distracting everyone from listening to Present Mic."

Izuku wasn't impressed and said "I may have been muttering but you interrupted present mic directly to ask a question he was already going to address."

Bakugou looked shocked to see Izuku standing up for himself and almost thought he was someone else. After speaking though Izuku sat down and muttered even more quietly about how nerve racking that was.


After Present Mic finished speaking he had everyone go to different buses that took them to different arenas. Izuku didn't pay attention to the one he was at because it didn't particularly matter.

Before the exam began Izuku could be seen stretching in preparation of the exam. As he did the boy from before came over s owling and said "Stop what you are doing, you are distracting the other participants."

This annoyed Izuku and he continued stretching but this time decided to use the same method he used on Bakugou on this new bully, he ignored him. The boy clearly not used to being ignored scowled more deeply before walking away.

Just as the rude boy walked away Izuku heard the gates opening and immediately rushed in. He had looked at the previous years exams and found them all to be the same with the same rules so he could tell it was the same again.

As soon as he entered Izuku became focused. It was a passive ability that activated when he entered a battle zone, simply called, Battle Focus, it basically forced him into a state of focus that allowed him to fight to his full potential.

On top of that Izuku spread One For All throughout his body and surged forward at a high speed.