
While Daedalus had made his forge at the center of the planet he had made a decision a while back. His main focus would be on observing the planets growth.

Daedalus sat in orbit around the molten planet watching the planet with his senses. He had long observed how cultivation related well with everything natural. An example would be planets and stars or the universe itself. So he decided to observe.


One Hundred Thousand Years Later


For the past one hundred thousand years Daedalus had sat in orbit around the planet in meditation. In his meditation he saw many things occur. The planet's surface had begun to cool shortly after an asteroid had impacted near the southern pole.

A while after that water began forming and a basic atmosphere was formed. After that the first organisms came into existence in the oceans that where still forming. These organisms soon multiplied and evolved into different creatures and plants. Over time this continued as a cycle of improvement resulting in creatures evolving lungs and eventually creatures suited to land had started popping up.

Daedalus knew he was stopping his meditation early but he felt a need to explore the world a bit.


When Daedalus landed he was immediately attacked by a large fish like creature. From what he had observed these creatures seemed to be the top predator on land, even if it only went up to his waist in height.

Surprisingly the creature's teeth did manage to bite into his skin. Daedalus was surprised by this but easily killed it by cutting off its head with his hand. With that experience Daedalus was quite satisfied and decided to observe more as he now had a rough understanding of the planet's creatures abilities.


Ten million years later


Most creatures on the planet had evolved in the direction of pure violence, brutality and efficiency with a siding of intelligence. Daedalus was more than happy with this as it meant he would have strong opponents in the future.

Daedalus knew though, that if he went down to fight anything on the planet he would likely be torn to bits. He had trained constantly while observing the world's evolution but he had reset recently.

Even with his insane training speed it would take several decades to be strong enough to fight the weakest creatures on the planet. This time would increase to over a thousand years for fighting the strongest.