The Watcher

Time lost meaning to Daedalus as he watched the solar system grow around him. It had initially only been the one planet then more began to form as the sun gravitated through dense clouds of material.

Having lost his sense of time Daedalus spent his time training and watching. His body over time began to evolve rapidly and he had taken on a more permanent draconic look. His hair had been replaced with obsidian black spines that resembled hair well. His body had developed scales in the more vulnerable areas. Finally his wings where stuck permanently out though usually folded.

Daedalus found peace in watching the solar system grow, and eventually stopped tampering with things so that they would become more interesting. He just watched and grew stronger.

Slowly his focus shifted more to watching than anything else and so he drifted around the planet in a lazy orbit. Eventually he ended up sat on one of the moon's that had formed over some span of time.

As he sat on the moon he decided to name it, calling it Warth. After naming the moon he quickly went back to making things, as it was simply his nature to build and craft at this point. So Daedalus used small rocks to slowly grind other rocks into different sizes of bricks.

He used the bricks to build little rooms to hold materials he had gathered, usually more rocks. It was when Daedalus found ice that things began to pick up. The ice waste as he called it because of the sheer space it took up, stretched over a tenth of Warth.

Using the ice he could make water if he ground the rocks into small fragments he got dirt, and putting them together got mud which he could use to reinforce his small containers. The ice and by extension water also contained micro organisms though, and slowly the mud and dirt he made had single celled organisms growing in them.

When Daedalus saw this he made an effort to cultivate some in a cave he had made in a cliff side while gathering resources. Thus the floor of the cave was covered in dirt and mud as well as a small area outside of the cave.

After that Daedalus would spend his time adding more ice to the cave which would be devoured by the small organisms over many years. The ice on its own would never melt and cold permeated the moon. The only source of heat initially was Daedalus but his small cave slowly created its own localised atmosphere which absorbed the sun's rays to provide heat.


While this happened he observed the creatures on the planet Warth orbited, a few of the bipedal creatures had a semblance of intelligence and had begun to form basic shelters and communities. Daedalus assumed because of their natural tools, like claws, they had skipped making tools.

The houses themselves where built into caves they dug, the houses where built in valleys or other naturally easily defended locations. The creatures themselves where around the middle in terms of strength on the continent they where located.