A New Place to Explore

Daedalus liked long journeys. They gave him a chance to think and also to tinker with random items he finds as he floats to his destination.

Right now he was using his hands to heat and mold a metal like it was clay. The metal itself was made from the remnants of a star he had seen a while back, it had looked young then. Thinking that far Daedalus thought back on just how long he had been watching his solar system.


Five years quickly passed and Daedalus had decided to make a new spear. He had of course been training while he watched things so he had grown very accustomed to using spears. Of course that was practise so he had never made himself a proper spear.

He wanted it to be the best it could be so he decided to use the star remnant metal as an outer coating. For the inner tube like part he used a dragon vein he had taken from a planet falling into a black hole, it was tough and stored energy well. The core where the energy advanced itself was a mixture of a bit of everything before as well as a small amount of Daedalus skin, muscle and bone, which he did because his body was basically solid energy and worked well to store said energy.

This process of course was not short and he also wanted to make it artistic, not just effective. So he had carved murals of some of his more impressive deeds into the star remnant metal layer, which made those points denser than other parts.


Five more years had passed in a blink and Daedalus was happy to say he had a powerful spear, though he hadn't thought of what he would call it. In the end he decided it would likely earn a name over time.

He had to stop his thoughts on that there though as he saw a world come into view. It was massive, at least twelve times larger than Quarth. More than half of the planet seemed to be covered by water however the planet seemed to mostly have islands rather than any large continents.

It didn't take long before Daedalus was landing on one of the smaller islands. by the looks of it the island was out of the way with a small port town and an even smaller village near the peak of a small volcano.

With Hephaestus' help he was undetectable for the time being so he went ahead and used his strongest observation skills to see where he stood throughout the world. To say he was shocked was an understatement. Most people only trained their bodies and they where many times stronger than normal, but some developed internal energy that further developed their bodily strength.

Daedalus easily admitted that he had ignored this type of training for a long time so it was a good place to start. Now it was just a matter of integrating himself. So with the rest of his time where he couldn't be detected he made a plan and a ship. The ship was small and rickety but not so rickety it fell apart.

Then he grew out his hair and made it look like he hadn't eaten in weeks with dark bags under his eyes. With that done he staged a storm and shipwrecked himself hear the port town where he knocked himself out. He had already checked their minds so he was sure he was safe for the time being.