When Xuan Chaya got home, the first thing he did was call up Xiao Maiguo. "Hey, did you get to Beijing yet?" He asked.

"Yes. A while ago." Xiao Maiguo replied.

"Pervert. You and Yun Peng already did it, right?"

"Idiot. He's not even home."

"Where did he go?"

"I didn't tell him I was coming. He's told me he'll go out with friends after he closes from the office."

"I thought you guys were closed till after the holidays."

"Officially, we are. But people who have work to do still go there."

"So, you're just home alone?"

"I prepared a candlelight dinner. Which I now realize is stupid since Yun Peng might eat out before coming. Surprising someone is such an hassle."

"You're such a girl." Xuan Chaya mocked Xiao Maiguo.

"Shut up."

Xuan Chaya chuckled.

"So, how did your meeting with him go?"

"Quite well. Great actually. I even asked him to move in with me."