Chapter 2

"What will we do now?"

"We should go to your sister. She'll need you."

Vaeril nods and slowly gets up.

"We should pack clothes and such as it might be a couple of days before we return here."

"I'll pack the clothes, you get the car ready."

Vaeril nods and walks to the garage. Once there he checks the car opening the trunk for when Phyrra arrives with the clothes. Satisfied with how the car looks he leans against a pile of boxes before pinching himself.

"So, this really isn't a dream. Who would do something like that or rather, why?"

A minute goes by with him being lost in thoughts, before Phyrra snaps him out of it.

"I'm ready, we should have enough clothes for a week."

She puts the coffers in the trunk before closing it. Vaeril had, in the meantime, walked up to her in the meantime.

"I hope Renna will be alright till we get there."

"She's stronger than you think, my love."

They get into the car and the garage gate opens. The drive took a couple of hours, they had turned the radio on just in case there was any news released on the whole situation, but there was nothing, just silence. As they get closer, they start seeing a big smoke plume on the horizon.

"What could cause something like that?"

"I have no clue. I hope she's alright."

A couple of minutes later they can see the origin of the smoke plume. It's a massive crater where Mogkihm used to be. As they near his mother's home he becomes pale and pulls the car aside.

"This has to be some sort of dream, right Phyrra?"

"I'm afraid it isn't a dream my love."

"Who would do this without a reason?"

He motions to the crater that now stretches the horizon with his arms. Phyrra lets out a sigh.

"I wish I could answer that. Let's continue for now, we'll figure it out once we get to your sister."

Vaeril nods and starts driving again. It takes them a few minutes before reaching the house where they are met with a distressed Renna. She runs to them and hugs Phyrra tightly as Phyrra gets out of the car.

"I'm glad you guys are alright."

"We're glad you are alright. Did you hear anything about this situation yet?"

"No, I haven't but that's mostly cause I locked myself in my room for a while. What did you guys hear?"

"Nothing, the radio is completely dead or at least it seems that way."


"Yeah, it was weird. Usually there is at least some sort of noise, even if no one is playing music or talking yet now there is nothing, just silence."

Phyrra closes the trunk after taking out their bags.

"Let's head inside."

Both Vaeril and Renna nod before heading for the door.

"You guys can use your old room, it's still as you left it. Mom never got around to changing it."

Renna starts tearing up. Phyrra rushes over to her and hugs her tightly. Vaeril just stares with a thousand-yard stare now that he was realizing this is all reality.

"Let's get some rest and we'll see what tomorrow brings."

Renna nods into Phyrra's chest. They both look over to Vaeril who has been quiet.


Phyrra lets go of Renna and taps him on his shoulder. He shifts his stare and looks at her with blank eyes before nodding. All of them head upstairs to their rooms to get some sleep. Phyrra falls asleep pretty quickly holding onto Vaeril. All that is going through his head is the vague memories of his dream he had months ago just before proposing. The next morning he is the first out of bed and starts making breakfast. Not too long after he started cooking, he was joined by his sister.

"Morning, how did you sleep?"

"Morning, not too great can't stop thinking about mom. What about you?"

"I wasn't able to sleep. You hungry, sis?"

He turns around to see her already sitting at the table ready to eat.

"Yes, I am. What are you making? It smells great."

"That's a secret. Should not be too long till it's ready."

Renna pulls a face at him saying that. As she is doing that Phyrra walks down the stairs. Phyrra lets out a slight giggle after seeing Renna pull the face.

"You seem in a good mood."

"What if I am? Can't a woman be happy her husband is cooking breakfast?"

"Just thought that under the current situation everyone's mood would be grimmer."

Everyone's mood sinks when they remember what happened. Vaeril lets his head hang for making them remember.

"Sorry, I should not have brought that up this early."

He finishes cooking and dishes up three plates before putting them in front of the others before sitting down himself. Renna is playing with her food, her appetite being absent. Phyrra finished her plate before noticing what Renna is doing.

"You alright?"

Her words fall on deaf ears as Renna keeps staring at her food. Phyrra glares at Vaeril who has just finished his plate. When he looks up he pulls a surprised face.

"What did I do?"

Phyrra lifts her eyebrow and looks at Renna. Vaeril notices what Renna is doing and lets his shoulders hang when he realizes why she was like this. He quietly gets up and puts both his and Phyrra's plate in the sink before going over to Renna and tapping her on the shoulder. Renna jumps at him touching her shoulder.

"You made me jump!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

"Then why did you tap my shoulder?"

"Because you've been staring at and playing with your food since I put it in front of you."

She sighs.

"No appetite and thinking about yesterday, sorry."

"It's my fault. I should not have brought it up this early."

She looks at him and pulls a painful smile.

"It's alright, I was thinking about it anyway."

"You are a bad liar, you know that right?"

He patted her on her head while he said that. She lets her shoulders hang and looks down.

"Would she have felt anything with how quick it happened?"

She asks while still looking down. Phyrra looks worried at them both.

"I hope not, doubt we'll find out though."

"Can we put the tv back on and see if we can find anything out?"

Vaeril nods then goes to turn on the tv. While he is walking over there he thinks to himself 'what if that dream was a vision of sorts?'. Shortly after he turns the tv on switching between channels till he finds a channel with the news.

"Now about what happened yesterday at Mogkihm. What we know so far, the city vanished and left a massive crater in its place. A few of those who were on the outskirts of what happened are in critical condition and were brought to the nearest hospital. All people keep saying is that the sky, colored crimson for a few seconds, and then the city was gone. Only those wounded would be able to say what actually happened there. Now on to other news"

The three of them were just standing there listening to what was being said. Vaeril is the first to say anything.

"So they pretty much still don't know what happened?"

"That's what it looks like, love."

Phyrra walks up to him and puts her hand on his shoulder. Renna bursts out in tears.

"W-W… Why c-can't they do something?"

"They are still trying to figure out what happened. They are not a step closer to the answer just yet."

Vaeril goes over to her and holds her tightly. She cries into his chest as he holds her.

"It will be alright we'll get through this together."


She looks up at him. He nods and answers.


Suddenly both are getting hugged by Phyrra who snuck up on them as they were talking. Renna smiles and lets go of Vaeril. All of them sit down on the couch and talk all day while leaving the tv on the news in case some new information comes up. A few days like this go and all the new information that was told on the news was that all wounded people from it had passed away. Then a recruitment advertisement for the army started to come up now and then. They were looking for anyone eighteen or older that might be interested. When Vaeril saw this advertisement his stomach turned, realizing why they were doing this. The first thought that went through his head was the dream he had the day he asked Phyrra to marry him. Vaeril sighs as one of the last of the recruitment messages passes.


"What's wrong my love?"


Vaeril snaps at Phyrra before storming outside, Phyrra looks at him in confusion.

"Did I say something wrong?"

She asks herself before turning to Renna who's been quiet the past few days. Renna is sitting on the couch staring blankly out the window. Upon seeing this Phyrra pulls a worried face.

"Renna dear, how are you holding up?"


Renna looks surprised by Phyrra's question. Phyrra walks up to her before patting her on the head.

"How are you holding up?"

"Ok, I guess all things considered."

Renna forces a smile. Phyrra smiles realizing Renna isn't ready to talk about it just yet. She then walks in the direction that Vaeril went. As she reaches the door she can hear him shouting.

"Why the hell did this have to come true!? War has never touched this planet! Yet here we are! How'd they even find us!? Great now Imma have to become a sniper and Phyrra a Captain in the army! How long till the Dwarfs fall!?"

Phyrra's jaw drops open as she is frozen in place by what she just heard. Vaeril keeps shouting for a few more minutes before turning back to the house and seeing Phyrra frozen in front of the door. He rushes to her.

"Phyrra, what did you hear?"


She sinks to her knees and hides her face with her hands right after. Vaeril kneels and pats her on the head. After a bit, she slowly looks up from her hands. Vaeril smiles when she does, a painful wry smile.

"Is what you said true?"

"I'm not sure. Do you remember the nightmare I had the day I asked you to marry me?"

"Yeah, but what has that to do with anything?"

Phyrra looks puzzled at Vaeril.

"Well, in it the planet was in a war with a group called the Crimson Purge. Both of us joined the army and made it pretty far up the ranks to the point where you were a captain and I was a Sergeant. In the dream, only the Elven capital city was left to be taken by them. The dwarfs fell first as we can tell since their capital Mogkihm has already been wiped from the planet."

Vaeril sighs and looks down. Phyrra tears up at hearing this.

"Why did you not tell me earlier?"

She pulls his face up and kisses him. Vaeril tears up as she does that.

"I'm sorry, I never knew it would come true."

"Let's head back inside and see how Renna is doing. Know I'll always be here for you."

"What will we do with her if we join the army? We can't just leave her here."

"We can drop her at my fathers' place. He's out in the middle of nowhere so the war if there is one should leave that place mostly unharmed."

Vaeril nods as he gets up and holds the door for Phyrra.


Phyrra looks at the couch but doesn't see Renna sitting there.

"Where could she have gone?"

Vaeril shrugs and both of them start looking all over but can't find her.


Phyrra's voice breaks after saying his name.


"Come here please."

Vaeril heads over to where Phyrra is. As he enters the room he realizes it's Renna's room. It looks as if a tornado went through the room.

"What happened here?"

"Not sure, I found it like this with this on her desk."

Phyrra hands an envelope to Vaeril with his name on it. He slowly opens it and takes what is inside out. It's a letter signed by Renna. He reads it.

'Hey, big Brother if you're reading this it means I made up my mind. I'm no longer going to be a burden to anyone. A year ago I discovered I have magical abilities. I know about the dream you had the day you asked Phyrra. I know what I need to do to protect you both. I'm going to kill the assholes who ruined our family. If they attack more after this then that means I failed and I died, please do whatever you can to keep our home safe. See you both soon again.'

The letter slips out of his hand and he just stares blankly at the spot the letter was. Phyrra picks up the letter and reads it. Once she's done reading she hugs Vaeril.

"She'll be back before you know it."

Vaeril and Phyrra both signed up for the army in the next few days, determined to keep their home safe. Both of them got through the training with ease. The basic training took about 4 weeks before they could choose specialized parts of the army. Vaeril joined the sniping regiment, while Phyrra joined the general army. Months went by and both flew through the ranks causing others to be jealous of them. They performed so well the army decided to move them into a special section. Reuniting them both within the army. Vaeril is standing lined up with the others as he is waiting for the Captain of this group to walk in and address them. A few minutes go by before the door opens and a beautiful, young Elven woman walks in, her silver blond hair done up in a bun. When Vaeril realizes who this woman is his jaw almost drops to the floor of surprise.

"Men, I'm going to be in charge of you all. Ranks gained before joining this group won't matter within it. You may be a Lieutenant, sergeant, private and such to the rest of the army but here you're all the same rank. My name is Phyrra Aewenys. You've all been chosen due to you all being specialists within your previous regiments and excelling at what you do best. I hope you will all keep growing."

She does a salute and everyone in the room follows suit.

"Anyone got any questions before we get started?"

One of them lifts his arm.

"Sir, I…."

Phyrra interrupts him.

"Let's get that out of the way, I'd like for you guys to call me ma'am. Understood?"

All of them say either yes sir or yes ma'am in response. She puts her hand to her face as she shakes her head.

"Rest easy, I want to get to know all of you. Yes, I've read the reports but those don't tell me how you actually are."

As she says that she heads over to her office at the end of the room. The room is filled with bunk beds on one side, a corner for relaxation, across from the beds there are tables, at the end of the room, there are three doors. One the captain's office, one the bathroom, and the third is a kitchen. She heads inside her office.

"I think I've seen you all before but I don't remember your names sorry."

Vaeril says while scratching the back of his head. A tall young male with long black hair is the first to speak up.

"My name is Respen, nice to meet you all hope we can get along."

"My name is Arun. This here is Keya, my twin sister."

A muscled male with short brown hair exclaimed while pulling a slender female with long brown hair towards himself.

"Nice to meet you all."

"M-My name is Thalia."

The next to speak up was a shy slender female with short brown hair. Lastly was a short curvy female with shoulder-length ginger hair.

"My name is Selphie. And what's yours big boy?"

She says turning to Vaeril.

"My name is Vaeril. Nice to meet you all hope we can get along."

After they all introduced themselves Phyrra shouts out a name.

"Arun, you're up first!"

"Wish me luck guys I'm going to try and impress her."

"You're going to need the luck."

Vaeril says with a smirk as Arun heads to the office. Everyone looks at Vaeril with confusion.

"Why do you say that? You know her or something?"

"You could put it that way."

Vaerils' answer seems to only confuse them more. After scratching the back of his head, Respen is the first to ask for clarification.

"What do you mean with that?"

"Ehm, she's my wife…."

"Your what!?"

The whole room looks at him in shock. After a bit, Keya bursts out laughing.

"This should be interesting when my brother gets back. Just so you're all aware he flirts with any girl he meets."

"Then he'll definitely need the luck."

All of them break out in laughter. Shortly after Arun comes back holding his left cheek with a pained face. Phyrra calls out the next name.

"Keya, You're next!"

"Wish me luck, guys."

Keya heads to the office. Arun walks to the kitchen and gets an ice pack. When he returns he lowers his hand off his cheek to reveal a red handprint.

"How'd you end up with that?"

Respen asks, receiving a glare from Arun. Selphie snickers.

"That's what he gets for flirting with a married woman."

"How the fuck was I supposed to know?"

He asks angrily. Selphie shrugs and sits down at one of the tables. She is joined by the rest of the group shortly after. Vaeril goes to check the relaxation corner before heading to the table. Once he gets there he drops a deck of cards on the table.

"Anyone down to play some cards?"

"Sure, why not?"

Vaeril sits down and deals cards to everyone who is playing. Shortly after Keya returns laughing and the next person is called in. It isn't too long before everyone but Vaeril has been. When Selphie returns Vaeril gets up and waits to be called in.

"Vaeril, Your turn!"

Vaeril heads inside. The rest of the group returns to playing the game they were. After a few minutes, Keya asks.

"So what do you guys think will happen in there now?"

"What do you mean?"

Arun asks confused. The others break out in laughter.

"She's his wife dummy."

Keya pokes her brother who's jaw drops hearing this.

"I think they'll be making out while trying to keep quiet."

Selphie answers as innocently as possible. The whole group turns to her and stares. Respen is the first to open his mouth.

"Did you really just say that?"

"Yes, I did. What? Cause I look innocent I can't say stuff like that?"

Selphie asks Respen. He just shakes his head and leans back in his chair.

"I-It's Rude to say that."

Thalia who's been quiet most of the time speaks up. The others nod in agreement.

"Fine, sorry I said that."

"Said what Selphie?"

Phyrra's voice from behind her makes her jump in her seat. Both her and Vaeril had walked out of the office while they were focused on the game and talking with each other. Selphie tries to pull the most innocent face possible.

"N-nothing ma'am."

"Vaeril told me he told you all I'm his wife. This is indeed the case, this does not mean he'll get any special treatment while we're working. If anything he's going to have to work harder."

"What!? That's not fair."

Phyrra shrugs.

"Can't make them think I'm playing favorites now can I?"

Vaeril's shoulders sink as he lets out a sigh. Phyrra sits down at the table.

"So, what are we playing?"

"Just a card game to kill the time."

"Oh right, you guys aren't used to a commanding officer joining you guys for stuff. Well, I make it my priority to get to know my men."

They finish their current round and deal her in on the next one. They play all evening. The first one to drop out and go to sleep is Thalia. Shortly after Respen, then Keya and Arun, and lastly Selphie. Phyrra looks at Vaeril.

"I like these guys, hope we can keep them together long."

"It's been months since Renna left, I hope she returns soon so we can go back to somewhat normal."

"I hope she's alright."

Phyrra and Vaeril stare up at the ceiling. Shortly after he gets up.

"I'm going to get some shut-eye now."

"Good night my love."

Phyrra kisses him deeply before walking off to her office. Vaeril stares at her walking off before crawling into his bed. The next morning they start training as a group. Months go by as they train. No word has been heard from Renna since she left. One morning they get woken up by an alarm going off.

"Everyone get in your gear!"

Phyrra storms out of her office, Vaeril is the first to notice that she looks extremely pale. Everyone gets into their gear before grabbing their weapons and boarding a drop-ship. Arun is the first to speak up once inside.

"What's going on?"

"It happened again but they want us, boots down on the ground first so none of the possible evidence is lost."

"What happened again?"

Respen asks, confused.


That's all she had to say to make everyone realize what's going on. Vaeril becomes pale at hearing this and everything goes blurry for him. Phyrra puts her hand to her ear and communicates something to the person on the other side. Selphie taps Vaeril on his shoulder.

"You alright?"


After being asked that it's all he can mutter.

"Ma'am, who is Renna? Vaeril keeps muttering her name."

"It was his sister. Seems like she failed."

"Why is it ma'am?"

"She is more than likely dead. She left about a year ago a few days after Mogkihm happened to go stop it from ever happening again. She also said if it happened again she failed."

All their faces go pale as the crater of Tirion comes into view. The crater is emitting some bright green glow.

"Who's even doing this?"

The drop-ship lands at the edge of the crater where a small camp has been set up. Those that are in the camp can see Arun walk off the ship clad in heavy black armor carrying a heavy gun. After is Phyrra in her captain uniform. Thalia and Selphie walk out in light black armor but take off immediately using magic to trust themselves into the air and fly around the crater trying to spot anything. Respen is clad in the same light armor as Thalia and Selphie but when he walks off he goes to the edge of the crater before taking his staff from his back. Keya walks off the ship clad in black uniform carrying a big box. She puts the box down in an empty spot and presses a button on the box, which causes it to spring in motion and display a full command console, with markers on a map where every one of the group is. Once the box stops moving she turns around to head back into the ship.

"That should do it, ma'am. I'll get some drones out now."

She addresses Phyrra before walking back on the ship only to return a few minutes later holding a tablet with four drones flying behind her. Each drone is equipped with a laser cannon. She sends them out using the tablet and they fly into the crater racing to reach the center. Vaeril walks off the ship clad in a black hooded uniform with a massive sniper hanging at his shoulder.

"I don't get how to carry that thing Vaeril."

Keya says to him. Vaeril turns to her.

"It weighs nothing as it's a Proton laser. Just need to have the batteries on me at all times when actually shooting as they only last about five shots reliably. Mind if I set-up on the ship ma'am?"

Phyrra glances at him and notices his eyes are cold and empty.

"Go ahead. The ship isn't going anywhere right now."

Vaeril climbs one of the ladders on the side of the ship. Once on top of the ship, he walks onto the wing that's towards the crater and he starts setting up. He put in his earpiece and can hear everyone communicating with one another. Arun asks.

"Vaeril, what's the range on that thing?"

"It's supposed to be two hundred kilometers but with some of the special mods I did to it it can do four hundred kilometers easily."

He lays down and looks through his scope while answering the question. He can clearly see both Thalia and Selphie flying around the crater when Selphie suddenly drops to the ground.