Pushed Down Onto The Bed

The moment the twenty students returned to familiar civilisation, they almost felt like collapsing to the ground and kissing it. They were finally out of that hellhole! Even if it had been greatly beneficial to their growth, they didn't like the environment at all!

Nine set them free for the day, giving them one last day to relax. If they knew what she was thinking, they would surely break down into tears. Why was their Teacher like this?!

Nineteen students left, but she grabbed the last one and his cat. Only her brother would call a tiger with Water and Darkness elements 'Cinder'.

"Elder brother, time for our daily spar, right? You've missed seven days already!"

Deltan, who had tried to sneak away stealthily, made a face that seemed like he wanted to cry but had to force himself to smile. It was simply too ugly to look at.

Nine ignored whatever protests he might have had, bringing him away. If it wasn't because she wanted to spare the little pride he had left, she would have dragged him away by the collar when she saw him making little glances at the surroundings longingly, almost like he couldn't wait to get away.

Nine's eyes widened as she took in her elder brother's stunning looks. He looked different from his usual self. Remarkably, the him now could have stood out from within a crowd of people with a casual glance if he wasn't next to Nine. Perhaps it had something to do with the vibe he was emitting now, unlike before.

Nine changed her mind about bringing Deltan back to his place for a spar as she directly picked him up and manhandled him into a bridal position. She flicked her fingers and sent a rune onto Cinder, shrinking her to the size of a palm. She grabbed the indignant Cinder and shoved her into Deltan's interspatial ring.

Deltan startled, clinging onto his younger brother's clothes as he was startled by him. The picture they made was hilarious to the point where one would've been able to recall the image with stark clarity whenever they thought of it. A young and delicate looking fourteen-year-old boy picking up a twenty-year-old man and carrying him around. The contrast was so startling that it would have drawn a laugh from nine out of ten people.

His heartbeat thudded as the speed Nine exhibited exceeded the threshold of limits of a Third Circle Mage. He was spun until he was positively dizzy. Deltan shut his eyes, praying for Nine to hurry up. Wait, not hurry up. He should slow down instead. He didn't even mind that he would be seen in such a humiliating position. If this kept up, he would develop a phobia!

"Why aren't you teleporting?" Deltan shouted, his words distorted by the speed they were going at. He didn't even dare to open his eyes since the blur would just make him dizzier. He even wondered if his younger brother was doing this intentionally to torture him after not getting his fix the past couple of days.

He felt the temperature drop and wisely shut his mouth, resolutely keeping his eyes shut. Who knew how his younger brother's face looked right now? He wasn't willing to face reality right now.

Nine suppressed the urgency that was burning in her heart. This was a matter that might involve Deltan's life and death, so she wouldn't be negligent. She didn't know if using magic in this state would cause the curse to flare up. "Don't use any magic," she said tightly.

She didn't know if he was able to detect the worry in her voice, but he didn't move at all, besides tightening his grip.

With a flurry of movement, she had reached her residence. Unceremoniously, she entered her room and set him down on her bed with surprisingly gentle movements. She pressed him down on the bed, freezing his movements to prevent him from moving excessively.

Deltan opened his eyes to look around, realizing that this wasn't his residence. Was this his younger brother's bedroom? Why had he brought him here? He glanced at Nine, feeling a chill creep up his spine at the cold and stoic face that seemed to be as usual.

Inexplicably, he could tell that his younger brother was exhibiting a serious and worried vibe. If it wasn't because of this, he would have been worried about his chastity. His brother was acting like a young man stealing back a girlfriend for himself!

"What's wrong?" he blurted, unable to handle the curiosity that was burdening him.

Nine ignored him, grabbing his hand as she injected her magic into his body, scanning around. "Don't fight my magic," she said, her voice clipped. She could only hope that her conjectures were unfounded at this moment, but even then, she already knew that the chances were slim.

Deltan held back the questions he wanted to blurt out and obediently allowed the magic to flow within him, feeling a tingle as the familiar yet unfamiliar feeling of magic rotate within his body. It felt like little shocks travelling on the inside of his skin, merging and blending with his already existing magic.

The longer it went on, the more Nine's usually impeccable stoic face crumbled. The air around here chilled more and more. Someone had put her hands on someone she considered hers! Her lips pulled into a sneer as her eyes frosted over.

Deltan contained the deep fear he could feel looking at his brother's unusual countenance. Was it something he did? It was only at this moment where he missed his brother's amused eyes directed at him. No, he thought, clearing his mind. It couldn't be something he did. Then, was there something wrong with his body? He had a flash of insight, connecting the dots from his brother's strange actions.

Nine silently pulled out two mirrors and showed Deltan the mark on his neck. A strange bloom of red appeared on the back of Deltan's neck, in the shape that seemed like a red spider lily. It looked incomparably beautiful and dignified. It was a small mark that one would have missed had they not been looking at the correct spot. The mark on Deltan hadn't been there before, but she could feel a strange but faint sense of danger emitting from the mark.

"Red spider lily," she said, pausing. "A tribute to the dead."